South Beach is an American action-adventure television series that aired on NBC. Created by Dick Wolf and Robert DeLaurentis, it stars Yancy Butler as Kate Patrick, a thief who avoids prison by working for a government agency. Alongside her partner Vernon, played by Eagle-Eye Cherry, she un...
The Swarm: With Alexander Karim, Cécile de France, Leonie Benesch, Joshua Odjick. Ecological thriller about the delicate interconnectedness between mankind and Earth.
A stirring wartime drama with a mix of comedy and tragedy, based off the Israeli television series Charlie Golf One. Watch the trailer of 68 Whiskey Stream 68 Whiskey via: Netflix | Amazon | All Release dates Catch 22 CREATOR: N/A CAST: Christopher Abbott, Kyle Chandler, Daniel David ...
This television series, based on the BBC series of the same name, features three supernatural creatures living as roommates and trying to fit in among their human counterparts. Only one is a werewolf; the other two are a vampire and a ghost. However, unlike shows such as The Vampire Diari...
With an impressive 15-season run, this beloved series has inspired several spin-offs and paved the way for countless others, solidifying its status as an influential touchstone within television history. An investigation team in Las Vegas scours crime scenes for forensic evidence. Premiered: ...
Several best-selling books have inspired new and returning television series this year as well as box office movie magnets like the conclusion to Jon M. Chu’s Wicked and Regretting You based on Colleen Hoover’s book. Still novel adaptations more are in the works, like the many romantic co...
TELEVISION : The Terrier Gets Closer Than the Wolf 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 14 作者: Aaronovitch, David 摘要: All great art should reveal important truths. About the soul, about man's relationship with the world, about mortality, or - as in the case of The Man Who Made ...
The Wolf and the Lion: Directed by Brian Kirk. With Sean Bean, Mark Addy, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Michelle Fairley. Catelyn has captured Tyrion and plans to bring him to her sister, Lysa Arryn, at the Vale, to be tried for his supposed crimes against Bran
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(or even Season Three, if you’re really strapped for time) and go from there. It gets much, much better.Legendsis the rare series that learns from its mistakes, always ready to grow and innovate to bring us the most bonkers but wonderful television. And unlike most other series (...