但是最有趣的还在于环境谜题,这是玩这个游戏的人大概率会提到的,所谓“Witness后遗症Witness后遗症”的直接诱因。 想象在树之间,石缝中,幕帘后,水面中,突破了题版的谜题答案。 游戏中坐落着黑色的黑曜石柱。当你收集完这个柱子上囊括的所有环境谜题的话,他会变成白色。 游戏中还有留声机部分,需要在两首歌时间内...
Spoiler-free guide to PS4 brain teaser - How do you solve the puzzles in The Witness? It's alright! We've been stumped many a time, too, but because we've al...
A masterpiece of puzzle games解密游戏的神作 整体来看,谜题和地图设计极其优秀,玩法创意和艺术氛围都很不错。但是还是存在两个比较明显的缺点。一、先说优点1.关卡设计优秀基础玩法就是从起点到终点的一笔画,但是游戏一共有十余个不同玩法机制的关卡,每个关卡有数十个谜题,总共数百个谜题的解题思路几乎都没有类似...
The best puzzles inThe Witnessdemand a combination of exploration and logic. Solutions are rarely obvious, and the game’s lack of hints or tutorials makes puzzle-solving a difficult and mentally taxing process. This difficulty actually works to the game’s advantage; by giving the player so lit...
The Witness is a puzzle game unlike anything else. It's open world, and refuses wholeheartedly to so much as touch your hand, let alone hold it. The game has been out on a variety of other platforms for a while now, and now it's finally made its way to the App Store. But ha...
The Witnessis a single-player game in an open world with dozens of locations to explore and over 500 puzzles. This game respects you as an intelligent player and it treats your time as precious. There’s no filler; each of those puzzles brings its own new idea into the mix. So, this...
During its 40+ hour journeyThe Witnessmanages to introduce a myriad of concepts, each of which begin simply but become notoriously difficult as multiple concepts are merged into later puzzles. To help you on your path to victory, we have put together a guide to each puzzle type in t...
Gaming Moments #01: How the Witness breaks the rules of puzzle design and gets away with itStuart Lilford
Islands of Insight is a new Steam open-world multiplayer puzzle game from Behaviour Interactive in the style of The Witness, and I’m already completely charmed.Ken Allsop Published: Jun 11, 2023 Islands of Insight Islands of Insight is so beautiful, it’s made me a little emotional. ...
Gaming Moments #01: How the Witness breaks the rules of puzzle design and gets away with it 来自 gamasutra.com 喜欢 0 阅读量: 25 作者: S Lilford 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 gamasutra.com 相似文献The Productivity Puzzle: Persistence and change in Patterns of Publication...