Summary Reimagining Roald Dahl's 1983 children's novel for a modern audience, The Witches tells the darkly humorous and heartwarming tale of a young orphaned boy (Jahzir Kadeem Bruno) who, in late 1967, goes to live with his loving Grandma (Octavia Spencer) in the rural Alabama town of ...
The Witches: Directed by Nicolas Roeg. With Anjelica Huston, Mai Zetterling, Jasen Fisher, Rowan Atkinson. A young boy stumbles onto a witch convention and must stop them, even after he has been turned into a mouse.
The Witches: Directed by Robert Zemeckis. With Chris Rock, Jahzir Bruno, Octavia Spencer, Brian Bovell. A young boy and his grandmother have a run-in with a coven of witches and their leader.
As the witch and the aura around her claim more victims from the brood and they start throwing around accusations about some of them being witches themselves, the “Puritan nightmare” that Eggers set out to create begins to take its menacing and obfuscating shape. Set more than half a ...
The Witches of Breastwick: Directed by Jim Wynorski. With Joe Souza, Monique Parent, John Henry Richardson, Jodie Moore. A man and wife are sucked into a whirlpool (in the wife's case, hot tub) of supernatural sex by a trio of randy, well-endowed witches
this movie doesn't follow the mind set that most people would put on Witches, but, with numerous movies changing the way that evil is both perceived and dealt with, I believe this movie stands very high, and is fun to boot. Rose Leslie is very believable as a witch with a heart, and...
That's a long wait, so it's worth reiterating that anyone travelling to Canada from a country where The Witches is already available to stream (e.g. the US) can simply download a quality VPN and connect to whatever service back home offers the movie. Out now: how to watch Mulan 2020...
A few cheap scares, some bloodless swordfights, a slightly miscast Nicolas Cage, and a perfectly cast Ron Perlman keep the simple plotline moving along, while the bevy of witches, demons, and deformed priests don’t hinder the minimal thrills. Perhaps the film never really knows what ...
Rating:PG-13 Metacritic score:61 Putting Channing Tatum and a dog together in a road trip movie is all some people need to know to want to watch this movie, but it has the added surprise of sensitivity as it tells the story of an Army vet (Tatum) racing to his fallen friend's funer...
(I don't watch many trailers or clips for the same film due to the amount of disappointed when watching the film) and read no other reviews, till that 10 minute mark anyway. My first gripe and probably the major one, with the way the movie looked and felt, if you're going to make...