《巫师1:增强版 (The Witcher: Enhanced Edition)》是一款由波兰游戏工作室CD Projekt RED开发的角色扮演类砍杀游戏,于2007年10月24日发行。游戏剧情源自于《猎魔人》系列小说,死亡的猎魔人杰洛特(Geralt)突然出现在猎魔人堡垒“凯尔·莫罕”附近,他被狂猎追捕,已身负重伤。在女术士特莉丝(Triss)和猎魔人兄弟的...
A complete and comprehensive rework of The Witcher 3, offering a much higher quality experience than the original game ever could.For a continuation of the mod that works on the next gen version
Hot mods More hot mods Hiuuz's W3 Geralt - COMPLETED Replaces absolutely every aspect of Geralt to make him more like The Witcher 3 Characters By MelioraKun 6.5MB 7 267 ACWR - A Cutscene Weapon Replacer Have you ever wanted to see your trusty Mahakaman Sihill against Azar Javed in...
The Witcher 3 mods may not be as plentiful or as well renown as the mods of Bethesda games like Fallout 3 and 4 or Elder Scrolls IV and V, but that doesn't mean they're not there. In fact, one of the largest repository of mods (Nexus Mods), The Witcher 3 mods are immediately p...
First you have to create an “Override” folder, inside your \Data folder. (Probably located in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Witcher Enhanced Edition). This is the folder where you manually install the mods. In this folder you place all the mod files together, never...
Six new sets of unique, specialized witcher-style plate armors are available to be obtained from ...
英文名称:The Witcher Enhanced Edition 发行时间:2008年9月21日 游戏类型:角色扮演 游戏语言:英文 ...
巫师1(The Witcher Enhanced Edition) 7.5 已有175人评分您还未评分! 类型:角色扮演 发行:CDProjekt 发售:2008年 开发:CDProjekt 语言:繁中 | 英文 平台:PC 标签:奇幻,剧情,巫师系列,CDPR游戏 专区 新闻 攻略 下载 图片 系列游戏 玩家点评(00 违法和不良信息举报 ...
单机 > 补丁 > 免CD补丁 > 《巫师加强版(The Witcher Enhanced Edition)》免CD补丁修正版 《巫师加强版(The Witcher Enhanced Edition)》免CD补丁修正版类型:免CD补丁 语言:英文 大小:4.95MB 更新:2024-10-13 版本: 普通下载 高速下载 游戏盒子 补丁介绍 ...
À PROPOS DE THE WITCHER: ENHANCED EDITION The Witcher: Enhanced Edition reprend les bases du jeu original, récompensé par plus de 90 prix, tout en apportant une série d'améliorations dans le système de jeu et les performances techniques. ...