The Witcher: Enhanced Edition optimiert das mit über 90 Branchenauszeichnungen dekorierte Gameplay mit diversen Verbesserungen an Spielverlauf und Technik. Optimierte Dialoge und Videosequenzen:Über 5.000 neu verfasste und eingesprochene Dialogzeilen auf Englisch, vollständige deutsche Sprachve...
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Gameplay + Q&A1 / 5 / 2015 94 comments This coming Tuesday, and CD PROJEKT RED invite you to a special live event at the Twitch channel. We will be showcasing 45 minutes of live gameplay with Łukasz “LUq” Wnęk, Counter-Strike 1.6 lege...
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Awful performance on The Witcher Enhanced Edition (Directx 9)The gpu clock is held at around 800mHz and the gpu usage it's around 12% which results in FPS around 40-60 with lots of frame drops and stuttering.When I launch the game the menu has higher FPS ...
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut 商店页面[attach]6136882[/attach] [attach]6136883[/attach]CDPR于2024年11月13日更新的GOG最新版1.5 (CS) GOG 0.2 也是目前最完美版本 属于GOG Preservation Program之一 Windows Version Update (13 November 2024) ...
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中文名称:巫师加强版 英文名称:The Witcher Enhanced Edition 发行时间:2008年9月21日 游戏类型:角色...
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut 重温经典的巫师1(结局) 1095 -- 2:43 (已过期)【轶君GOG】GOG网免费领取一款动作角色扮演类游戏—《Witcher Enhanced Edition》(巫师1 加强版) 56 -- 1:43:11 巫师加强版经典怀旧第十二期 194 -- 15:40 Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition 25 -- 1:01:07...
Free copy of The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut (Steam only) Discounts up to 80% Select Platform UP TO -80% See what's inside Select version and store Digital Retail Change region:United States Australia Austria Belgium Brazil ...
巫师:增强版The Witcher: Enhanced Edition CD Projekt RED 2008-09-16 8.68.0 中文 0想玩2在玩315玩过1525已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 8.6 8.0 《巫师》的游戏背景改编自波兰的奇幻小说家安德烈·斯帕克沃斯基的著名奇幻小说猎魔人。北方诸国 (Nording) 内乱不止;南方的尼弗迦德帝国 ...