The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition Avis global des joueurs 5 % 1 % 1 % 2 % L'un des RPG les plus acclamés de tous les temps Maintenant prêt pour une nouvelle génération. À PROPOS DU JEU Vous incarnez Geralt de Riv, un mercenaire et tueur de monstres. Devant vous ...
Denne udgave af The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt er blevet forbedret med adskillige visuelle og tekniske forbedringer, inkl. en øget detaljegrad, hurtigere indlæsningstid, en række mods, der er udviklet af fælleskabet omkring spillet, real time ray tracing, 3D-lydunderstøttelse...
Die Version für Xbox Series X|S von The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt beinhaltet zahlreiche grafische und technische Verbesserungen, darunter viel höhere Detaildichte, schnellere Ladezeiten, mehrere neu entwickelte oder von der Community geschaffene Mods, Echtzeit-Raytracing und mehr – alles mit Blic...
The Xbox Series X|S version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been enhanced with numerous visual and technical improvements, including vastly improved level of detail, faster loading times, a range of community created and newly developed mods for the game, real-time ray tracing, and more — ...
《原子之心》Atomic Heart 俄罗斯首款3A大作,充满“苏联风格”的画面和世界观 中文配音 不过解谜,找开比较多 2:41:38 单人玩《巫师 3 狂猎 完全版》 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition 本体 石之心 血与酒 陶森特 开了光线追踪 4:34:36 单人玩《罗宾汉 舍伍德建设者》Robin Hood - Sherwood ...
La versione per Xbox Series X|S di The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt è stata arricchita con numerosi miglioramenti grafici e tecnici, tra cui un livello di dettaglio notevolmente migliorato, tempi di caricamento più rapidi, una gamma di mod recenti create dalla community, ray tracing in tempo ...
This edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been enhanced with numerous visual and technical improvements, including vastly improved level of detail, a range of community created and newly developed mods for the game, real-time ray tracing, and more — all implemented with th...
This edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been enhanced with numerous visual and technical improvements, including vastly improved level of detail, a range of community created and newly developed mods for the game, real-time ray tracing, and more — all implemented with the power of ...