「巫師 3: 狂獵 (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)」擁有可存取的設定檔,可調整多種設定並突破定義上限值,以提高影像品質;當然,前提是您必須配備所需硬體。首先,依照您的偏好調整遊戲內設定,接著離開遊戲。前往 C:UsersUSERNAMEDocumentsThe Witcher 3 將user.settings 備份。使用 Notepad++ 等文字編輯器開...
settingsAccount settings tuneSite preferences All games The Witcher 3 Mods Visuals and Graphics Tweaks Endorsements 7,103 Unique DLs 120,500 Total DLs 246,426 Total views 706,659 Version 5.1.2 Download: Manual 3 items Last updated 06 December 202312:08PM ...
guest Free plan |Upgrade settingsAccount settings info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close All games The Witcher 3 Mods Utilities Script Merger Endorsements 90,638 Unique DLs 1,357,217 Total DLs ...
GAME What is GWENT? GWENT is a competitive card game developed by CD PROJEKT RED — creators of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In GWENT, gamers clash with friends in fast-paced duels that combine skill-based play with bluffing, and careful deck construction. The game is played over a best-of...
巫师3:狂猎 Mod [The Witcher 3] 《巫师3:狂猎(The Witcher 3)》是一款由CD Projekt开发并发行的动作角色扮演游戏,改编自波兰作家安杰伊·萨普科夫斯基的奇幻小说《猎魔人》,为2011年《巫师2:国王刺客》的续作以及巫师系列游戏的第三部正传。玩家控制主角利维亚的杰洛特,以第三人称视角在开放世界中游玩。
Open %USERPROFILE%\Documents\The Witcher 3\input.settings with a text editor. Find every instance of IK_Q=(Action=CastSignHold,State=Duration,IdleTime=0.2) and set 0.2 to 0.05 Save changes. Notes This alters the delay to trigger alternative casting mode from 20ms to 5ms.Alter...
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt € 29,99+ The Witcher 2 € 29,99 Cyberpunk 2077 € 59,99+ Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales € 19,99 Metro Exodus Gold Edition € 39,99+ Control Ultimate Edition - Xbox Series X|S € 39,99 Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Royal Edition € 39,99+ Sekiro™:...
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition 4.6/5 English & 9 more 36 Check out nowAdd to cartBuy as a giftCheck out nowAdd to cartBuy as a giftBuy nowInstall Wishlist itWishlisted GOG Preservation Program This game is a Good Old Game. GOG maintains and preserves it as part of the Good Old Game ...
Any of these optional cookies will require your permission, though.You’ll find all the details regarding our use of cookies and tweak your preferences regarding them in the “Settings” menu below. Consent Selection Necessary Preferences Statistics Marketing Use necessary cookies only Allow ...
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is just over a month away, and you can pre-order the game right now - it's a particularly great deal if you own the previous Witcher games and take advantage of the additional fan discount (both The Witcher and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings are 80% off...