The Cat School Gear, also known as the Feline School Gear, is a lightweight armor set in The Witcher 3 that focuses on movement speed, increased stamina, and fast attacks. Hailing from the School of the Cat in the Witcher lore, the Feline set gives Geralt the agility of a cat to move...
retexture mod: BurnTM member 3 kudos 13 August 2024, 10:59AM I'm sorry, I am not able to reproduce your issue. But I'm also a bit confused - I didn't need to merge anything, to make those two mods running side by si...
When leveling up in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you’ll earn ability points. By investing those points into skills in the talent tree, you’ll enhance Geralt’s performance on the battlefield. You might increase the attack power of his sword swings, the intensity of the signs he casts, or...
This page gathers Item Codes for use with PC Console Cheats in the PC version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. There are also big lists of Talent Codes and Enemy and NPC Spawn Codes to be used with the Console as well. See also: List of PC Console Cheats See also: More Cheats and ...
The Town of Light (2016) Peter Smits Additional Voices (voice) (version: German) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015) Jonathan Apelt Additional Voices (voice) (version: German) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015) Ingrid Donnadieu Anna Henrietta (voice) (version: French) The Silent Sea ...
Viper Armor (Hearts of Stone) has also been modified to have more utility but be slightly less protective compared to vanilla. The armor ratings have been dropped to be at the mastercrafted witcher gear level, but the following buffs have been added:...
If you're looking to switch things up in The Witcher 3: Complete Edition, then you can dress the Nilfgaardian army in The Witcher TV show armor.
To unlock this master armorer in TW3, all you have to do is complete the Fergus Graem questMaster Armorer. The armorer is next to theQuartermaster at Baron’s Castle. After completing this quest, you can ask this armorer for the lightweight yet powerful swords in The Witcher 3. ...
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, free and safe download. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt latest version: A beautiful 3D fantasy RPG. The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt is an
The Witcher 3's armor isn't just cool—it's a masterfully detailed work of worldbuilding. (But it is really cool).