Last week, season 2 of the Witcher launched on Netflix and just like when the first season came out back in 2019, we're happy to see that many of you have returned to, or started, modding The Witcher 3. So that you can join in on the fun, and to celebrate the occasion, we are...
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进入贴吧全吧搜索 11月14日漏签0天 steam吧 关注:3,734,452贴子:60,666,410 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 玩乐 1 2 下一页 尾页 38回复贴,共2页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回steam吧the witcher 2值得入嘛 只看楼主收藏回复 花见茗 徽章满贯 8 萌新问一下qwq 送...
“The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition contains strong language, intense violence, blood and gore, as well as nudity and sexual material.” 请输入您的生日: 查看页面 取消 此数据仅用于验证并且不会保存。©2025 Valve Corporation。保留所有权利。所有商标均为其在美国及其它国家/地区的...
The Witche..下过盗版玩,是不错的游戏,不过个人认为一些设定比较不爽,战斗时不能喝药加血,药水都要战斗前加好,不过这个游戏的战斗确实比较需要技巧,不过盗版快打通了,找个机会+1
“The Witcher” is an immense computer game. Within its realm, you will have to assume the burden of choice. And this burden of choice, as light as it may appear, is the very thing that will both permit you to wield influence over the fate of the world, as well as get you slain ...
Happy!...预..RT...送的是狼头挂饰,猎魔银剑和杰罗特的发型!游戏将于原定的3天后的5月17日解锁!很了解我嘛!~~~呵呵,我的东西一向只进不出...呵呵... 11L...抱歉呀~~~
witcher是自创词,应翻译为猎魔人或猎魔士,wizard才是巫师,witch是女巫 来自Android客户端13楼2017-06-11 17:39 收起回复 柏鑫大仙 合卡大手 5 又想黑台湾翻译 来自Android客户端14楼2017-06-11 18:07 回复 KirbyKFC 出刀欧统 12 倒想翻译成猎魔人,成天砍砍砍叫什么巫师 来自手机贴吧15楼2017-06...
【The Witch..点击游戏开始,script compilation error会弹出警告,求大神帮忙。语言区域找得到可是控制面板在哪找改成波兰了,然后呢。。果然成功了-。- 你好利害啊。 不过 我卡关了 教程有有栋门 点左键 没反应。
3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Hey Ciri Why we love it "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was an absolute masterclass in open world design when it launched, and remains one of the best examples of the RPG genre to this day. A gripping story, genuinely interesting side quests, and heaps of DLC...