The Witch and the Beast: Schöpfer: Kôsuke Satake Mit You Taichi, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Xan Cramer, Beth Lipton Ein verfluchtes Mädchen und ein geheimnisvoller Mann tun sich zusammen, um eine böse Hexe zu jagen.
Of the 144002 characters on Anime Characters Database, 21 are from the 动画 The Witch and the Beast.
All characters in The Witch and the Beast including Loran, Farmus, The Executioner, Falvell Farmington, Matt Cugat and many more.
Ivory Floyd (written by) (segments: Berti and the Beast) | Amanda Gotera (written by) (segments: The Witch and I) | Kay Hanley (developed for television by) | Laurie Israel (developed for television by) (story editor) & 4 more Composer Vidjay Beerepoot Casting Director Maria Estrada ...
The film centers around a hat-maker named Sophie who gets cursed by an evil witch and is aged by decades. In search of a cure, she begins traveling with a famous wizard named Howl. Howl has a lot going on. Between being a wizard, disappearing for extended periods of time, and getting...
The English cast has been announced for The Witch and the Beast anime: Xan Cramer is Ashaf Rowan Gilvie is Guideau Lydia Mackay is Ione Kelly Greenshield is Marie Kent Williams is Narrator Jeremy Inman is directing the dub. Crunchyroll will begin streami
Kindergarten: The Musical(TV Series) The Witch and I/Berti and the Beast(2024) It looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet. Be the first to contribute!Add a photooradd a quote. See also Release Dates|Official Sites|Company Credits|Filming & Production|Technical Specs ...
Although slain in battle, Lord Kroak's will is so strong his spirit fights on — invoking a last spell that banishes Daemons and secures Itza from its doom.[4a] -4458 IC - The witch Morathi bears a son to Aenarion, naming him Malekith - the future Witch King of Naggaroth.[10a][...
Watch The Witch and the Beast The Witch's Pastime: Opening Act, on Crunchyroll. Guideau's frustration mounts as witch-related cases prove hard to come by, but a string of horrific serial murders may prove the answer to her prayers. Meanwhile, the city po
crunchyroll premium mega fan wird sich dein abonnement automatisch für 11,99 $ im monat verlängern. vergleiche unsere premiumtarife the witch and the beast 4.8 (22.4k) e3 - das spiel der hexe - teil 2 untertitel | synchro veröffentlicht am 8. feb. 2024 in zusammenarbeit mit keira ...