Of the 144002 characters on Anime Characters Database, 21 are from the 动画 The Witch and the Beast.
Anime Characters Quotes Characters ☰ MENU The Witch and the Beast TEXT VIEW OF NAMES Section 0 Section 0 Ashaf Main Character Guideau Main Character Owent Farmington Main Character Angela Anne Huell Supporting Craig Supporting Falvell Farmington ...
The film centers around a hat-maker named Sophie who gets cursed by an evil witch and is aged by decades. In search of a cure, she begins traveling with a famous wizard named Howl. Howl has a lot going on. Between being a wizard, disappearing for extended periods of time, and getting...
This interactive poll of good characters who work as ministers changes as you vote on it, so make sure to give your favorites some love! Some examples of anime characters who are also priests include Justin Law from Soul Eater and Frau from 07-Ghost. Take a look below and vote for the ...
A Part of the character cast from the anime “Master Piece The Animation” has already been entered into our database. You can support aniSearch by completing the cast or enhancing existing entries with further details. We have a special section for characters and a dedicated team for it, whi...
A Part of the character cast from the anime “Pandra The Animation” has already been entered into our database. You can support aniSearch by completing the cast or enhancing existing entries with further details. We have a special section for characters and a dedicated team for it, which wil...
Snow White, The Prince, The Evil Queen/The Witch, The Seven Dwarfs (Doc, Grumpy, Sleepy, Dopey, Happy, Bashful & Sneezy), The Magic Mirror, Humbert the Huntsman, 2 Vultures, The Birds and Snow White's Forest Animals - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Bashful, Slee...
Top 10 Most Annoying Anime and Manga Characters Top 10 Ways Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) is Better Than Brotherhood Top 10 Best Anime Yaoi Ships Top 10 Reasons Why Fullmetal Alchemist is Better Than Attack On Titan Top Ten Kindest Anime Characters ...
Prince of Tennis: A Day of the Survival Mountain1 characters assigned Prince of Tennis: Another Story - Messages From Past and Future1 characters assigned Prince of Tennis: Atobe's Gift1 characters assigned Prince of Tennis: National Championship Chapter22 characters assigned ...
Father figures loom large over some of our favorite anime characters, and none more so than Gon. The young boy's life has been defined by the absence of his father, Ging, and it inspires his quest to become a hunter, and sends him on an epic quest when he realizes his "dead" father...