2.One that has been seized, caught, or won; a catch or prize. 3.AstronomyThe process by which a massive body, such as a star or planet, draws and holds another body in gravitational orbit. 4.PhysicsThe phenomenon in which an atom or a nucleus absorbs a subatomic particle, often with...
Despite the weight of this ruling, Trump remained defiant and unrepentant, continuing to attack the case as a “political witch hunt.” Trump had been convicted in May on 34 counts of falsifying business records, and despite his continued efforts to challenge the verdict in court, Friday’s s...
2.To restore to use, activity, vigor, or notice; reinvigorate:a meeting that resuscitated his career [Latinresuscitāre, resuscitāt-:re-,re-+suscitāre,to stir up(sus-, sub-,sub-+citāre,to move violently, frequentative ofciēre,to set in motion; seekeiə-inIndo-European roots).]...
Witchwood (Cancelled) (PC) World Heroes Perfect (Neo-Geo) X X-Men: Children Of The Atom (Arcade) X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Arcade) Z Z (PC) NEC PC-FX L Lunatic Dawn: FX (J) M Miraculum: The Last Revelation (J) 3DO A Alone In The Dark (PC) B Bust-A-Move (Super NES) ...
However, being a witch, she declined to be drowned, and floated easily until she came to the Isle of Man, where she landed on the morning of February 12th. It was a fine, bright day, and she set to work to gather “brasnags”—sticks to light a fire, by which she was able to ...
In dreams cats often represent some of their more common attributes or associations, such as “sleek,” “cunning,” “cat burglar.” The witch with her black cat commonly denotes evil and bad luck. “Catty” describes a person who makes mean or malicious remarks. Both positive and negative...
Witchwood (Cancelled) (PC) World Heroes Perfect (Neo-Geo) X X-Men: Children Of The Atom (Arcade) X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Arcade) Z Z (PC) NEC PC-FX L Lunatic Dawn: FX (J) M Miraculum: The Last Revelation (J) 3DO A Alone In The Dark (PC) B Bust-A-Move (Super NES) ...
the good witch the goodness grillas the goods are now rea the gospel of judas the gospels the government levies the government s role the graceful book the gradually dims the grail the grand blue the grand canyon stat the grand hotel europ the grand illusion the grand louvre the grand ole ...
there must be unity there needs a long ap there s a flower there s a horse there s a witch there s car coming there s one fan there s people scream there s romance there should be decla there was a long lag there was a man in th there was a man who l there was a paradox ...
1. (an) ability. A witch has magic power; A cat has the power of seeing in the dark; He no longer has the power to walk.poder; facultad, capacidad, habilidad 2. strength, force or energy. muscle power; water-power; (also adjective) a power tool (=a tool operated by electricity...