00:00/00:00 「The Wire」火线“Shit”合集 附加搞笑片段 Clay Davis笑死我了 为乐而生2021.01.06 00:00 +1 首赞 「The Wire」火线“Shit”合集 附加搞笑片段 Clay Davis笑死我了…
喜欢The Wire 两句一个shit 三句一个fuck let’s fuck this shit land,no more good words. û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...查看更多 a 550关注 148粉丝 1853微博 微关系 他的关注(533) 嗯嗯找片阿 拓木...
A collection of awesome Free/Open Source things regarding the SideFx Houdini ecosystem. - wyhinton/AwesomeHoudini
cause right now youre cause sb to do sth cause shit was hectic cause someday i might cause thats the life cause the cold wind b cause the persons i a cause there is no way cause theyd stick up cause this is real an cause to revive cause to solidify cause tongues to wag cause val...
最近在扫神剧《The Wire》火线,发觉美国人(至少剧情所在地的巴尔的摩)骂人的词汇挺贫乏的。fuck fuckyou assholefuck nutsfuck mother fuck bullshit shit。大概就是围绕fuck周围打转。至于那段长达一分多钟,两个演员就一直说fuck一个单词的场景看着也蛮有意思的。 ,关于为什么美国人那么执着于fuck这点还要请几位英...
i acquired silver and i act like shit i adagio maestoso-all i added a stir milk b i addressed them i admire you i admit i cheated mit i admitted i adore mi amor - col i adore skating i aint gonna be just i aint inviting nobod i almost tripped i already without you i also believ...
We was shocked—it’s like we’re sitin’ butt naked on a piece of bare wire plugged in the wall. Time ticked. The stars moved. We was shocked. What was unexpected slipped out of nowhere. Wasn’t that a wave—that tsunami of shock flooding our expectations away. Now they are replace...
“The Wire” Columbia 6 "You know I'm bad at communication," Danielle Haim begins, and throughout the next four minutes of no-hashtag-required pop perfection, there are plenty of reasons to believe this is true: A chorus muttered so low that it has spawned all sorts of goofy mondegreen...
Mun-Kwang removes a pair of wire cutters from her pocket. MUN-KWANG (CONT’D) I cut the wires on the surveillance camera on my way in. That’s good, right? Huh, big sis? CHUNG-SOOK Wait. Hold on. Aren’t you older than me? MUN-KWANG I was born in 74. Year of the ...
going somewhere deep going to a movieconce going to a party going to eat shit going to the doctors going under going-out-of-business going-to-the-sun hwy goingdestroyer goingrate gointoliquidation goitrogenoussubstance goitsys goji berries chinese goji jam goji juice gojumeyamacho gokachide ...