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The first is an in-stream video program, called “The Wire” which enables advertisers to show pre-roll video ads on trusted partner content. Partner providers for this program include Bloomberg, Business Insider, and Reuters. The second is more AI tools through Microsoft Designer for LinkedIns...
The Universal Device Detection library will parse any User Agent and detect the browser, operating system, device used (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), brand and model. - GitHub - matomo-org/device-detector: The Universal Device Detec
Feb 4, 2021 Apple's getting its wheels! It's Tesla vs App-ison! Feb 1, 2021 Facebook's got a pop-up problem! It's the language! Jan 28, 2021 Let the Gamestops begin! The Merry Men of Reddit! Jan 25, 2021 Signs your loved one might be into QAnon #1: They don't ignore th...
This, as expected, changed nothing in our day to day life. I don’t even know if the line is really dead. I didn’t bother to check. I had long ago disconnected the extension in my office and never answered the phone if it rang. Even the insulated copper wire is still hanging slac...
Oh, and while we’re on the subject, some kind soul on the AG subreddit shared a link to this “short” of Mizyu parting her (otherwise impenetrable) fringe/bangs to reveal her eyebrows, which has had well over 6.5 million views since it was posted last year! And rightly so, because...
The goal for all of this is to have some fun and give me something to post about maybe once a month until we get down to the wire. Also I suspect that, as happened with Fantasy Movie League, we’ll all come out on the far end a lot more knowledgeable about video game launches. ...
SparkTorohas generated insights into thedistribution of referral traffic. The study unveils Google’s significant supremacy in web traffic referrals, contributing to over two-thirds of all US web referrals among the leading sites. Other platforms like Microsoft’s services, Reddit, and YouTube also ...
In May 2019, First American Financial Corporation reportedly leaked 885 million users' sensitive records that date back more than 16 years, including bank account records, social security numbers, wire transactions, and other mortgage paperwork. The leak occurred through a website configuration error,...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Lisa M. Rose Gathering wild bee balm for my well-known Gypsy Tea. Sometimes when you feel a cold or a flu coming on, it’s easy to brush it off and keep pushing ahead. But when that little voice tells you that your body has caught...