"The Wind Rises" is a true masterpiece that you will ever get to watch in your lifetime! Hayao Miyazaki has created a masterpiece: the plot, which is similar to Thomas Mann's "The Magic Mountain" (it is a pity that because of the difficult threshold to enter this book, not many pe...
“THE WIND RISES declines to challenge mainstream Japanese society’s distortions and denials of its wartime atrocities. Worse, it echoes Japan’s morally dishonest stance that it was a victim, rather than a perpetrator, of a global war – a whitewashed version of history that the film now i...
Studio Ghibli doyen Hayao Miyazaki’s two latest features, released a decade apart. THE WIND RISES is a fictionalized biography about Jiro Horikoshi (1903–1982), the Japanese aircraft designer behind the birth of Mitsubishi A5M and A6M Zero fighters deployed by Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service...
起·风·了 The ·Wi..附资源简介:《起风了》(风立ちぬ)是导演兼脚本的宫崎骏以同名漫画所改编的动画电影。讲述的是日本零式战斗机的开发者堀越二郎年轻时的故事。宫崎的作品,大多洋溢着像出现乘着扫帚在天空飞、鱼子从海边而来这样的
网络起风了 网络释义 1. 起风了 ...年后出新作《起风了》宫崎骏导演时隔5年之久的新作《起风了》(《THEWINDRISES》)将于7月20日在日本全国上映,影片 … www.banzhu.com|基于6个网页
Miyazaki’sWind Risesa Soaring Tale of Imagination, Heartbreak and Love (NOTE: I watched the original Japanese language version of “The Wind Rises” back in early December of 2013 in preparation of writing my end-of-year column and compiling myTop Ten list. While the English language voice ...
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On The Wind Rises as a piece of art Sometimes when I go to the movies I want to laugh and sometimes when I go I want to see something that gets me pumped up, but sometimes I just want to see something beautiful. And this movie, and I am not exaggerating, is about as beautiful a...
The Wind Rises is a 2013 Japanese animated production of a historical film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The Ghibli Studio is responsible for the animated. It is Miyazaki's final film, who retired in September 2013. This film is a fictionalized biography of Jiro Horikoshi, who was ...
一部以日本二战为题材的动画作品,影片传递的似乎和宫崎骏主张的反战思想背道而驰,却让人不敢轻易将堀越二郎的角色同一贯虚构的动画形象相提并论,毕竟是宫崎骏赋予了二郎在动画中出现的资格。 “正是因为国家需要,我们的梦想才能实现”这段台词道出了多少有抱负年轻才华的无奈,在那个萧条动荡民不聊生的年代,战后日...