Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows, written in 1908, is set in the middle to upper reaches of the river. It starts as a tale of anthropomorphic characters "simply messing about in boats" but develops into a more complex story combining elements of mysticism with adventure and reflecti...
In the novel, Wukong originally learns the transformations in order to hide from three calamities of thunder, fire, and wind sent by heaven as punishment for defying his fate and becoming immortal. In my story, I imagine Master Subodhi would warn Monkey to guard his spirit while mastering the...
In wind and rain we went, and, more than sad, surveyed and earnestly the road ahead. All last, all hardships overcome, we came to our once home, relieved to find the place. But in the gladness there was also shame: where could I put this much dishonored face? We saw our house, ...