The Wind in the Willows: Directed by John Driver. With Julee Cruise, John Allen, George Muschamp, Gary Briggle. A stage adaptation of the children's story performed in a Children's Theatre of Minneapolis production.
The Wind in the Willows: Directed by Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr.. With Charles Nelson Reilly, Roddy McDowall, José Ferrer, Eddie Bracken. Badger, Rat and Mole are trying to save Toad Hall and its owner, their rich irresponsible airhead playboy friend
The Wind in the Willows: Directed by Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr.. With Charles Nelson Reilly, Roddy McDowall, José Ferrer, Eddie Bracken. Badger, Rat and Mole are trying to save Toad Hall and its owner, their rich irresponsible airhead playboy friend
The Wind in the Willows的创作者· ··· 肯尼斯·格雷厄姆作者 作者简介· ··· 肯尼斯·格雷厄姆(1859—1932)出生于爱丁堡。他的童年很不幸,父亲长期酗酒,刚满五岁母亲就染病去世,外公外婆将他带到乡间抚养长大。1879年,他进入银行成为一名文员。银行里的工作单调无趣,为了排遣心情,格雷厄姆开始写作,其作品很快...
又名The Wind in the Willows 编剧 Kenneth Gr...Rosemary A...主演 Richard PearsonIan CarmichaelDavid JasonMichael HordernBeryl Reid 剧情 One spring, Mole decides that he can ignore the spring cleaning for a little longer, and begins a series of adventures with his new friend R...演职人员(...
英文动画版:柳林风声(The Wind in the Willows)-1 英文动画版:柳林风声(The Wind in the Willows)-2 英文动画版:柳林风声(The Wind in the Willows)-3 英文动画版:柳林风声(The Wind in the Willows)-4 英文动画版:柳林风声(The Wind in ...
To complicate matters, though, 1983 and 1996 each saw not one but two adaptations of The Wind in the Willows. Don’t confuse the 1996 Unwin film with the other 1996 version, directed by Monty Python alum Terry Jones, a satirically revisionist production known in the US as Mr. Toad’s ...
【全100集】柳林风声The Wind in the Willows英文版共计100条视频,包括:lv03-001_The Wind in the Willows 1_It Is Spring!、lv03-002_The Wind in the Willows 2_Boating with Water Rat、lv03-003_The Wind in the Willows 3_On the River等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注
《柳林风声 The Wind in the Willows》 100篇 动画学习高清视频 英语动画 | 英文名著动画《柳林风声》01 春天来了 英语动画 | 英文名著动画《柳林风声》02 水鼠划船 英语动画 | 英文名著动画《柳林风声》03 在河上 英语动画 | 英文...