【中商原版】海明威:太阳照常升起 英文原版 Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises 诺贝尔文学奖 1954诺贝尔文学奖 分享 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:5元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 货源地;发货地 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 ...
I drank a beer, standing in the doorway and getting the cool breath of wind from the street. Two taxis were coming down the steep street. They both stopped in front of the Bal. A crowd of young men, some in jerseys and some in their shirt-sleeves, got out. I could see their ...
The Sun Also Rises(太阳照常升起),《太阳照常升起》是美国作家海明威于1926年出版的长篇小说,写的是像海明威一样流落在法国的一群美国年轻人。作者藉此成为“迷惘的一代”的人,并以此书开创了海明威式的独特文风。 小说以1924年至1925年这一历史时段和名城巴黎为背景
风起了: 一部以日本二战为题材的动画作品,影片传递的似乎和宫崎骏主张的反战思想背道而驰,却让人不敢轻易将堀越二郎的角色同一贯虚构的动画形象相提并论,毕竟是宫崎骏赋予了二郎在动画中出现的资格。 “正是因为国家需要,我们的梦想才能实现”这段台词道出了多少有抱负年轻才华的无奈,在那个萧条动荡民不聊生的年...
stream and ripe fields of grain, and the road went on, very white and straight ahead, and then lifted to a little rise, and off on the left was a hill with an old castle, with buildings close around it and a field of grain going right up to the walls and shifting in the wind. ...
The Sun Also Rises(太阳照常升起),《太阳照常升起》是美国作家海明威于1926年出版的长篇小说,写的是像海明威一样流落在法国的一群美国年轻人。作者藉此成为“迷惘的一代”的人,并以此书开创了海明威式的独特文风。 小说以1924年至1925年这一历史时段和名城巴黎为背景
E. Thomas Stearns Eliot was also a great novelist. 100. In which poem are the sterility and chaos of the contemporary world after 1st World War expressed? A. Ode to the West Wind B. The Solitary Reaper C. Lamia D. The Waste Land ...
Her hair dances wildly in the rough wind. The sky is getting darker. Mun-Kwang keeps looking back at the house as she walks away. She stops and stares at the firmly closed gate for a long time. 57 INT. MERCEDES - DRIVING - NIGHT 57 It’s raining outside. DONG-IK Mr. Kim, ...
【Solar】Where the Wind Rises(风起的地方)MV公开--容队美翻共计2条视频,包括:MV、防撞等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
【经典转载.中英对照.. 这是一个温暖的春晚,罗伯特走了之后,我坐在那波利咖啡馆露台上的一张桌子边,看着天色暗下来,电灯广告牌亮了,指挥交通的红绿灯交替闪现,行人来来往往,马车在