Germain town board in this April’s election and it was a topic of discussion at a meeting of the town board on Jan. 23. The town is facing a major turnover in leadership this spring as town chairman Tom Christensen, supervisors Jim … FRED WILLISTON Special to the Lakeland Times ...
Learn about Banff National Park, part of a UNESCO World Heritage site and Canada’s first national park. Spin downhill along the magnificent Bow Valley Parkway, a stunning wilderness corridor. Observe wildlife from the saddle—including elk, deer, bighorn sheep, bald eagles, and even black and...
Perhossääski Clogmia albipunctata (Williston) havaittu Suomesta (Diptera, Psychodidae). Sahlbergia 2019, 25, 15–17. [Google Scholar] Kvifte, G.M. Citizen science reveals the establishment of the invasive container breeder Clogmia albipunctata in Sweden and Denmark (Diptera: Psychodidae)....