The William Warwick series is the latest series by Jeffrey Archer featuring detective William Warwick, a family man who must battle a powerful criminal nemesis as he moves through the ranks of London’s Metropolitan Police. The series was inspired by his previous Clifton Chronicles. Four books hav...
William Morrow – have somehow escaped into the wild, despite technically being available only for pre-order. We ourselves have not yet had copies to hand, and not long ago our editors told us that they themselves had not yet had sample copies...
80 willow warwick davis, erin kellyman, ellie bamber 234 votes an unlikely group of heroes set off on a dangerous quest to places far beyond their home. premiered : november 30, 2022 network : disney+ will i like it? is it watchworthy? 81 beauty and the beast linda hamilton, ro...
Warwick Davis, Tangi Miller, Kirk "Sticky Fingaz" Jones 6 votes Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood treats fans to another wildly entertaining chapter of this horror-comedy franchise, as the bloodthirsty Leprechaun descends upon the hood to retrieve his pot o' gold. With its larger-than-life character...
Warwick & Son – Warwick Davis, who played Wicket in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, dons the Ewok costume once more; this time joined by his son Harrison. Cast of Creatures – The team behind the film's memorable creatures reveal the puppetry, makeup, prosthetics and digital magic that ...
Memory and the Gothic Aesthetic in Filmargues for the need to overcome unproductive genre-subgenre, gothic-horror semantic impasses, as well as the likewise convoluted task of identifying what Gothic ‘is’, and follows instead Spooner’s hypothesis (after Alexandra Warwick) that it is more intere...
Warwick Thornton’s “The New Boy” has been set as the opening title of next month’s Sydney Film Festival, which will celebrate its 70th edition, June 7-18. The film, a tale of sprituality and survival in 1940s Australia, starring Cate Blanchett, Deborah Mailman, Wayne Blair and Aswan...
Starring:Michael Caine, Gordon Jackson, Nigel Green, Guy Doleman, Sue Lloyd Since it simply wasn't possible to compete with Connery's 007 in the super-spy stakes during the '60s, Sidney J. Furie's first adaptation of cook-turned author Len Deighton's Cold War novels goes the other way...
And there are even more recent books (including an epic list of new novels) that we will highlight in our next column this fall.Before we dive in, though, a note regarding the late William Friedkin, who is referenced in two entries below: I would encourage readers to check out his ...
James Warwick, Francesca Annis 1,435 votes Series based on Agatha Christie's stories about the elegant slueths Tommy and Tuppence Beresford. Premiered: September 10, 1983 Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? subscription 89 Prime Suspect 1973 Stefanie Martini, Sam Reid, Alun Armstrong...