'The Will to Power'是Junkie XL专辑“Zack Snyder's Justice League (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”中的一首歌曲。 'The Will to Power'的定义与内涵 'The Will to Power',即“权力意志”,是一个深具哲学意蕴的概念。它起源于德国哲学家弗里德里希·尼采的哲学体系。...
That paradigm was founded on the“will to power” and the arrogance that was associated with it, that is, that “might makes right”. 这种模式以“强权意志”为基础,傲慢自大则与这种意志相伴,也就是说,“强权即是公理”。 UN-2 Other major currents include the will to power, the claim th...
福柯的权力概念实质上是一种“权力意志”(thewilltopower),而这种“权力意志”是从考古学时期的“求知意志”(thewilltoknowledge)中…news.ifeng.com|基于25个网页 2. 求权力的意志 ...(Adlerianpsychofogy)所强调的"求权力的意志"(thewilltopower)大不相同。www.psy163.com|基于2个网页 3. 冲创意志 ......
标准发音:the will to power 英式发音: 美式发音: 翻译中文 权力意志 the will to power - 基本释义[词典1] 权力意志 力量意志 强力意志 求权力的意志 在上意志 the will to power - WEB词典 The Will to Power 权力意志 权利至上 强力意志 权力的意志 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:the will to power 2.有道...
(完整版)权利意志thewilltopower TheWillToPower权利意志 FriedrichWilhelmNietzsche (October15,1844–August25,1900)Bylinglingjiang江玲玲 ▪1)thewriter:Nietzsche’slifeandNietzsche’smainworks ▪2)whatthebookistalkingabout?▪3)goodsentences ▪4)thebook’sinfluences 1)Thewriter:Nietzsche’slife ▪...
英文原版 尼采 The Will to Power 权力意志 英文版 Friedrich Nietzsche 进口原版书籍广州瑞雅图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.4 中 物流履约: 4.6 中 售后服务: 4.4 低 手机下单 进店逛逛 | 关注店铺 关注 举报 企业购更优惠 英文原版 尼采 The Will to Power 权力意志 英文版 Friedrich Nie...
外文新书《The Will to Power》 推荐给大家 今日荐读 The Will to Power 权力意志 作者:Friederich Nietzsche [德] 弗里德里希·尼采 索书号:B516.47/N25(Y) Represents a selection from Nietzsche’s notebooks to find out what he...
权利意志 the will to power TheWillToPower权利意志 FriedrichWilhelmNietzsche (October15,1844–August25,1900)Bylinglingjiang江玲玲 1)thewriter:Nietzsche’slifeandNietzsche’smainworks2)whatthebookistalkingabout?3)goodsentences4)thebook’sinfluences 1)Thewriter:Nietzsche’slife ...
The Will to Power (1888). Sec. 942 Nietzsche Quotes The homogenizing of European man... requires a justification: it lies in serving a higher sovereign species that stands upon the former which can raise itself to its task only by doing this. Not merely a Master Race whose sole task is...