野性的呼唤(thecallofthewild)习题及答案 The Call of the Wild ⼀、故事简介:从⼩⽣活在温室环境中的巴克被偷着拐卖到原始荒野当雪橇狗。残酷的现实触动了巴克由于⼈类⽂明的长久熏陶⽽向⼤⾃然回归的本能和意识。恶劣的⽣存环境锻炼了巴克,他在历练中不断成长.最终通过战胜狗王斯匹茨⽽赢得...
voice (crying)in the wilderness 旷野里的呼声 上帝对先知以赛亚(Isaiah)说:“安抚我的子民,鼓励耶路撒冷民众,告诉他们,他们为犯下的罪已受到了惩罚,现在罪已经被赦免。”于是,在旷野里有人喊道:“预备好耶和华的路,在沙漠 地为我们的主修建笔直的大道。一切山洼都要填满,大小山冈都要削平;崎岖不平之地要变 成...
aWhen night falls, there was a voice in the wilderness calling for Buck return, that is the call of inner freedom, but for Thornton's sake, he did not leave. 当夜下跌时,有声音在原野要求大型装配架回归,是内在自由电话,但为了Thornton的缘故,他没有离开。[translate]...
wild um sich schlagen wildcards wildcat bank wilden fussball-kerle wilderness medical as wildkatze ue wildlegpants wildlife conservation wildlife n wildlife research wr wildlifefishandconser wildnightswildnights wildschwein wilddaffodil wildlove wilesa wiley book wiley grins wilfred brown wilfrid laurintern...
an untamed wilderness an untidy bedroom an unuasual friend an upper and a lower an xiao an zhuang shi yong an zhuang you xi anaesthetizinggas an-cai yu an-dong wang an-guo deng an-guo huang an-kuan hu an-lu ren an-lung chang an-naba an-nil an-ping hu an-yang wei anactinon an...
and experience the K6 nature of the muddy wilderness.Taking an ecotour can help youbecome more aware of your environment and further instruct you on the impact we have on theenvironment Our goal is to help you understand the Everglades and how important it is to 1 7the wetland.Wild Florida...
好一个高尚的达斯坦 将一个弱女子弃于荒野 Noble Dastan, abandoning a helpless woman in the wilderness! 你那所谓的尊严哪儿去了 What does your precious honour have to say about that? 保佑我不会杀了她 Give me the strength not to kill her. 快 我们应该离他不远 Mount up. We cant be far ...
( B ) After the gamble, Thornton and his partners traveled in thewildernessA. with 11、a lot of foodB. in search of an old gold mineC-o.steadily day after dayE. with a mapped destination21. ( C )At the end of their wandering, they foundA. the lost gold mineB fifty pounds of...
THE STAMPEDE 1 TRAIL - DAY 1 SUPER: Tuesday, April 28th 1992 WIDE-SHOT: A vast, snow-blanketed wilderness that sits beneath the icy summits of the highest mountain range in North America. This is BIG Alaska. A beat up 4x4 pick-up enters very small into the upper left corner of frame...