Twitter Google Share on Facebook Bandar Seri Begawan Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Ban·dar Se·ri Be·ga·wan (bŭn′dər sĕr′ē bə-gä′wən) The capital of Brunei, on the northern coast of Borneo. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edit...
72. Informal. approval or permission, as to undertake something. 73. a boxing bout: the main go. adj. 74. (esp. in aerospace) functioning properly; ready: All systems are go. Idioms: 1. from the word go, from the very start. 2. go all out, to expend the greatest possible ...
2,IRNA 3,ISNA,Mehr News Agency 1,MEHR 2,MEHR 3,MEHR 4,Tasnim News Agency 1,Tasnim 2,Young Journalists Club (YJC) 1,YJC 2,YJC 3,Wikipedia,,NASA During the world cup many Iranians watched the matches in cafés, restaurants, shops or public screenings. After each match ...
North African carrier Tunisair has sold back a pair of ATR72s to the Franco-Italian manufacturer as part of its ATR72-600 order. In an interview with Tunis... Bonnassies, Olivier AUTHOR - Airfinance Journal 被引量: 0发表: 2019年 Bombardier returns focus to its regional lineup Now that ... CONFLICT OF INTEREST: None Reported READ MORE June 26, 2019 Incomplete Control Group Win Butts | The controls do not include patients who have the underlying issue that led the the prescribing of the anticholinergic medication but are not taking that ...
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An account is given of observations on the life-history of Typhlocyba froggatti Baker, in Tasmania, where it feeds on a wide range of rosaceous plants but is generally numerous only on apple trees and hedges of hawthorn (Crataegus). In seasons of exceptional abundance it migrates to cherry...
Geothermal heat comes primarily from radioactive decay in the ground and heat transfer from the hot inner core, either to rock or underground water [70,72]. The core is estimated at 3000–5000 ◦C at about 6000 km depth, however extraction usually occurs at less than a hundred meters ...
Yes. As aDoctor Whofan myself of old, I can very much can plug into that. I don’t think I ever got in trouble at school. That is one of those stories that’s ended up on Wikipedia. I wrote an essay on Doctor Who, which some unpleasant newspaper found and printed. But I didn...
UP THE YIN YANG Korean Air has been making some buzz, unveiling its first brand refresh in three decades. And in doing so they win the “If It Ain’t Broke…” award for terrible decision-making. The new look fails for two big reasons. First, it’s ugly. Or spiritless, maybe, is ...