Yoshi is a dinosaur-like character that acts as an ally of Mario and Luigi and is the protagonist of his own franchise. Among members of the Yoshi species hailing from Yoshi's Island, any Yoshi may be identified as the "Yoshi" character, and as such, not all iterations of the character...
The Yoshis then embark on a journey to search for the gems. Multiple times over the course of the game, the Yoshis meet up with Kamek and Baby Bowser, who are also in search of the gems. After a short conversation, Kamek uses his magic to create a creature out of the surrounding...
Yoshi is a character in the Mario series. Since his debut in Super Mario World as an ally of Mario and Luigi, Yoshi's popularity has resulted in him starring in his own series, which follows the adventures of Yoshi and/or his eponymous species. As a...
Yoshi is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. He was revealed for the game along with the rest of the veterans on June 12th, 2018; he and Luigi were the last veterans confirmed, with both appearing at the very end of the trailer...
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) is the main protagonist of the first half of the anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. A Coordinator refugee from the Orb Union, he was a pilot aboard ZAFT's LHM-BB01 Minerva during the Second Alliance-PLANT War, initially piloting the ZGMF-X56S Impulse Gundam and then the ZGMF-X42S ...
Do you know who I am?! I am Bow- [The blue Toad guard shuts the door and the credits continue. After concluding, in a scene down in the Brooklyn sewers, an egg with green spots lays among the rubble and begins to hatch. Cut to black.] YOSHI: Yoshi!
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Taichiro Yoshini, grandson of How Do You Live? author Genzaburo Yoshino, had attended a private screening of the film in February 2023, and had sat there in a daze, and struggled to digest the film’s messages. He also described the film as a “separate work” but perhaps share the ...
yoshi_likes_e5 9 months ago, # | -10 I remembered about a summation problem long ago, but it got wiped out of CF and I can't find it. Now it has came back with a different name. → Reply Mohamed_Elmhalawy 9 months ago, # | -21 Is it rated? → Reply yoshi_likes_...