The Fierce Wife Episode 19 Episode Title Fierce (Shrewd) is to be own self courageously (犀利就是勇敢做自己) Synopsis Rui Fan failed in his job interview everywhere. While he is frustrated, he met Ah Tang. Ah Tang new job is working to plan television program, and he is looking for a...
The Japanese Wife: Directed by Aparna Sen. With Rahul Bose, Chigusa Takaku, Raima Sen, Moushumi Chatterjee. Pen pals decide to get married and carry on a long-term relationship.
Drama: The Good Wife Country: Japan Episodes: 10 Aired: Jan 13, 2019 - Mar 17, 2019 Aired On: Sunday Original Network: TBS Duration: 54 min. Genres: Law, Romance, Drama, Political Tags: Non-MDL Remake, Family Relationship, Miniseries, Episodic Format Content Rating: 13+ - Teens...
Shy secondary school pupil Charlie Spring (Joe Locke) gets allocated the seat next to ‘rugby king’ Nick Nelson (Kit Connor) in their form period at the start of this emotional drama, and it ends up changing their lives. These two very different lads become best pals, leading Nick to qu...
The London-set show follows an undercover agent who has been posing as a politician's wife for a decade in order to feed government secrets to her employers. When the man she is secretly in love with is murdered, she will stop at nothing to find out the truth and exact revenge on tho...
While investigating the Black Organization, a detective named Shinichi Kudo is captured and forced to take an experimental poison pill. The pill meant to kill him without trace. However, it backfires turning Kudo into a child instead of killing him. Kudo
It starts off as a mysterious love story: James Sunderland is searching for his wife after receiving a letter from her one year after her death. It ends up as something far darker and more complex. Silent Hill 2 tells its intricate story on multiple levels. While the spoken narrative ...
Celebrities Are Heartbroken by L.A. WildfiresHeidi Montag, Paris Hilton, and Adam Brody have reportedly lost homes in the Palisades blaze. ByDanielle Cohen los angeles wildfiresYesterday at 10:54 a.m. Paris Hilton’s Malibu Home Burned Down“My heart aches for those still in harm’s way or...
The Good Wife: Episode 12 by odilettante I don’t know how many times I can keep saying that this show just gets better and better (or how that’s even possible, considering how excellent it’s been since the first episode), but it does, and so here I am, saying it again. After...
Years later seeing that this show is still on doing the same baby mama drama bids. I'm an certain that the Maury show is a big skit.Everyone has seen or has heard of Maury. So if you find yourself sitting next to Maury expect your wife and girlfriend to either tell you the child ...