18想看 片 名整九码 上映时间2000年08月24日(匈牙利) 导 演乔纳森·林恩 又 名整九码 这个杀手不眨眼 杀人不眨眼 The Whole ... 编剧Mitchell K... 主 演布鲁斯·威利斯马修·派瑞罗姗娜·阿奎特迈克·克拉克·邓肯娜塔莎·亨斯屈奇 剧情 奥斯是一名迈阿密的牙医,但是他家中有一个恶婆娘。从芝加哥搬来的隔壁...
The Whole Nine Yards: Directed by Jonathan Lynn. With Bruce Willis, Matthew Perry, Rosanna Arquette, Michael Clarke Duncan. A struggling dentist's life is turned upside down when a famous gangster moves in next door, and his wife convinces him to inform
whole nine yards, the The entire distance; the whole thing. The source of this term has been lost, but as usual there are several etymological theories. The following were suggested by William Safire’s correspondents: nine yards once constituted the entire amount put onto a bolt of cloth, ...
the whole nine yards的意思是“everything you can possibly want, have, or do in a particular situation”,即“一切;全部”。yard这个词除了有“院子”的含义,其还有“码;帆桁;(某种用途的)区域,场地”的意思。这句习语源于方形帆船,在当时方形帆船上有三个桅杆,每个桅杆需要三个帆桁,“the whole...
"The whole nine yards"这个俚语的确切含义有些模糊,但通常用来表示"尽可能多的"或"彻底地做某事"。有几个理论认为它的起源是美国二战时期的军事术语,其中九码(yards)是指飞机上机枪子弹链的长度,当机枪手把整条链子弹都用完了,就表示他已经尽了最大的努力。也有些人认为它来自于裁缝行业,意味着为一件...
The Whole Nine Yards A struggling dentist's life is turned upside down when a famous gangster moves in next door, and his wife convinces him to inform a notorious mob boss about the gangster's whereabouts. Original Release Domestic Grosses...
从这段话里我们可以体会到go whole hog的含义是乾脆彻底地做一件事,常常是不惜重金购买一件朝思暮想的东西。 我们要学的第二个习惯用语是:the whole nine yards。 …
"The whole nine yards"是一个常用的英语俚语,其字面意思虽然与“整整九个院子”相关,但实际含义却远非如此。它用来表示“全部、彻底、毫无保留地”,或者“尽你所能做到的极限”。这个短语常用于描述某人或某事达到了极致或全面的程度。 情景会话1 同事Claire工作非常努力 Zoey: How did you manage to finish ...
英国马克沁水冷机枪在一次大战中表现出色,造就了显赫的名声,英语里的俚语“整九码the whole nine yards”,其背景就是这种机枪。因为它有着一根九码长的帆布弹带,“整九码”的意思就是弹药全满准备完毕,随后在这个基础上衍生出了“全力以赴”、“万事俱备”等含义 ...
(the) whole nine yards 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)全体,一切,全部 用法及例句:For you I’l... 471 次阅读分类于:美国俚语 whole new ball game的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(a) whole new ball game (a) whole new ball game 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)全新的局面,完全和过去不同的形势 用法及例句:....