Dragon Ball is basically a Shonen, a style of manga and anime aimed at a teenage audience in which action, hints of humor, and a plot involving great fantasy adventures in which they fight with increasingly powerful enemies stand out. Among the most popular shonen, we have Dragon...
Cooke, Pete A Whole New Ballgame (SPEC, Crash) Invincible Island (1983, SPEC, Richard Shepherd) Urban Upstart (1984, SPEC, Richard Shepherd) Inferno (1984, SPEC, Richard Shepherd) Chopper Chase (1984, SPEC, Spectrum Computing) 20 Tons, w/Chris Newcombe (1985, SPEC, 64 Tape Computing) Sk...
This article is about the main series of Super Mario platform games. For the franchise as a whole, not limited to platformers, see Super Mario (franchise). Super Mario The updated/current versions of the logo, introduced in Super Mario 3D Land First installment Super Mario Bros. (1985...
Again, that larger screen came in clutch, requiring very little scrolling to read longer articles, however did grow a little too heavy when held vertically. We found the whole slab much easier to hold horizontally, when there's less hardware to create a top-heavy feel, but if you're ...
As a young boy, his life was destroyed when the King of Demons killed his whole family... well, almost all of them. In a final slight, his sister was turned into a half-demon. It was then that he vowed to become a Demon Slayer, cure his sibling, and defeat the Demon King. Even...
In total, Cure captures everything that’s remarkable about Erra and progressive metalcore as a whole.- JB High on Fire, Cometh the Storm album cover MNRK Heavy High on Fire, Cometh the Storm Release Date: April 19 If you hang around the sludge scene long enough, you hear the term “...
Once the Top 100 Score for all games has been calculated, we order the list from highest to lowest. Then we go about tweaking it. In the interest of variety, we'll usually only allow one game per series—we'll only include multiple if we feel the games are different enough from each...
People have accusedPalworldof ripping offPokemon’slook… thoughPokemonitself rather famously stole its look and game play from theDragon Questseries, so that CAN’T POSSIBLY be the motivation. Can it? Nintendo has never followed the “don’t sue poor people” rule of litigation, but in this...
For animated shows based on the Super Mario games, see List of television series and films. The following is an alphabetical list of Super Mario-related sightings and references in animated and anime television shows. For a list of references in live-action television, see List of references ...
In order to cross the moat, Simon has to deal with the one tiny hazard in this section: A platform of bricks that crumble as you cross them. With nothing to collect in this screen and no other threats present, these four bricks simply serve as a warning of future dangers to come ...