Dragon Ball is basically a Shonen, a style of manga and anime aimed at a teenage audience in which action, hints of humor, and a plot involving great fantasy adventures in which they fight with increasingly powerful enemies stand out. Among the most popular shonen, we have Dragon...
theme of the series is that just because the world operates in a complex, grey overall morality, that doesn't mean the most cruel, "pragmatic" choices and course of actions will actually be the best one to take, even if you have the best intentions in mind and is in a despaired ...
Vote up the amazing scenes from Dragon Ball Z that left you awestruck. If there's one word that describes Dragon Ball Z, it's epic. This shonen masterpiece is one of the most widely recognized and influential anime of all time. Though this series lives on in many people's memories, ...
the hayflick limit the headman and the m the heads thereof jud the healing of whole- the health promotion the heart is seen in the heart of a fool i the heart of a friend the heartbreak flower the heaven no far fro the heavens were crea the heaviest matter o the heavy coat the hea...
the first two chapter the first-order decay the fish appetite the fish net the fishery law of th the five part the five-dragon palac the fixed position st the flag-raising the flame went out the flashback the flight of the igu the fling the flock of geryon the floor trader the floor...
"Dodoria Dies by Explosion! Vegeta's Fearsome Shockwave") is the fourteenth episode of the Namek Saga and the forty-ninth overall episode in the uncut Dragon Ball Z series. This episode first aired in Japan on May 23, 1990. Its original American airdate was September 6, 2005. Contents ...
The Saiyans arriving on Planet Plant inDragon Ball GT. Although the manga does not tell of the origins of the Saiyan race, the complete history of the Saiyans was revealed in the anime. It is also a central theme in theBaby SagaofDragon Ball GT. The complete Saiyan history was also reve...
If there's one word that describesDragon Ball Z,it's epic. This shonen masterpiece is one of the most widely recognized and influentialanime of all time. Though this series lives on in many people's memories, certain parts and characters stand out above the others, including Goku, Piccolo...
Outside the tower, Sam arrives and finds the whole place filled with dead bodies of the slain Orcs and Uruks. Sam then goes to search for Frodo, and kills the surviving Orcs in a moment of intense courage. However, unknown to Sam, Shagrat makes his escape with the mithril vest. At ...
He also tells Anakin that the Jedi Order wishes to overthrow the Republic and that if he has suspected it, Anakin must surely have sensed it. Anakin confirms that the Jedi don't trust him, a fact that Palpatine expands to include the Senate, the Republic, and democracy as a whole. ...