Trapped in a void known as White Space, Sonic met a younger version of himself known as Classic Sonic and traveled through various points of his earlier life. The Sonics eventually gathered the seven Chaos Emeralds and destroyed the Time Eater before parting ways.[59] Afterwards, Sonic and ...
HOW TO GET A META PERSPECTIVE ON YOURSELF AND THE WORLD. The loss of a meta perspective on ourselves and our away of living, contributes to the environmental collapse we now experience coming up. But this need not be the final outcome. Because, we are no
· "[T]oday, it appears that if you are blonde, have great legs, or worked in the White House and can read a teleprompter, bammo, you are a journalist." 'Scandal' Season 4 finale: Olivia and Fitz find Vermont at the White House homosexual child prostitution ring involving geo...