【剧情简介】: 《白宫风云》(英语:The West Wing)是一部以政治为题材的美国电视连续剧,于1999年至2006年期间分七季放送播映,由原创人艾伦·索金担任前四季的剧本创作与监制工作,后两季的监制工作改由约翰·威尔士担任。本剧场景设定在美国总统官邸白宫的西翼,该处
George Bush's Vicar of the West Wing: John Sununu as White House Chief of Staff." Congress and the Presidency 24, no. 1 (1997): 37-59.Cohen, David B. 1997. "George Bush's Vicar of the West Wing: John Sununu as White House Chief of Staff." Congress & The Presidency 24 (Spring...
都是The West Wing里的熟人演员啊 看来说是The West Wing的前传也不为过 Barlet 在这里是Chief of Staff,个人感觉风头盖过道格拉斯,所谓gravitaz吧 Nancy 演了CJ的角色,15年前,她还这么瘦呢 白宫门口的黑大叔警卫就是TWW里Leo没拿下的黑人议员 Will Baily还露了几面 Bartlet的二女儿Elly演女一号的妹妹 两部...
PreviouslyonTheWestWing: 我们的首要工作是提名副总统 Ourfirstpriorityistonameavicepresident. 总统要的人选我搞不定 Theoneguythepresidentwants,andIcan'tgetitdone... 所以你可否不要来烦我?-谁是罗拨罗素? ...sobequietforonemoment?-WhoisRobertRussell?
The West Wing staffers are introduced as each learns via phone or pager that the President was in a cycling accident. Josh faces the possible loss of his job after an on-air insult of a political opponent, which Toby tries to prevent by having Josh make a personal apology. Sam's fling...
The West Wing《白宫风云》,又译《白宫群英》),是一部政治题材的电视剧。 For sure, Mr Trump is changeable. He will tell the New York Times that climate change is man-made in one breath and promise coal country that he will reopen its mines in the next. But that does not mean, as some...
The chief of staff role is a demanding one that involves managing the president himself, in addition to senior White House staff, and by extension, the hundreds of people who work in the West Wing. But it also involves mapping out and executing a president's policy objectives, ambitions and...
内容提示: 片名:白宫风云(第五季) 《白宫风云》前情提要: Previously on The West Wing: 我要安排跟司法委员会主任开个会 Set me a meeting with the Judiciary chief of staff. 丽莎沃菲? 我们得把人弄上席次 Lisa Wolfe? - Butts in seats. I'm packing the court. 我是共和党的 过去这五年我每一天...
Back in the West Wing, staffers were in crisis. According to a Tuesday Vanity Fair report,the atmosphere was “funereal,” one source saying this was the “nightmare scenario.” National Security Adviser John Bolton reportedly thought the comments unwise, but felt that it would make Tr...
For a basic plot summary, "The West Wing" (at least in this first season) is the story of a new presidential administration in the White House under President Jed Bartlet (Martin Sheen). The main cast of characters includes...-Leo McGarry (John Spencer), Chief of Staff -C.J. Cregg...