Stratification Realities and Aspirations in Three Welfare Regimes[J] . Patrick Sachweh,Sigrun Olafsdottir.European Sociological Review . 2012 (2)Sachweh, P. and S. Olafsdottir (forthcoming). "The Welfare State and Equality? Stratification Realities and Aspirations in Three Welfare Regimes", ...
Wilensky, H. (1975)The Welfare State and Equality: Structural and Ideological Roots of Public Expenditure(Berkeley: University of California Press). University of Kent, Canterbury, UK Vic George (Professor of Social Policy and Social Work) & Peter Taylor-Gooby (Professor of Social Policy) (Profes...
Wilensky HL (1975) The welfare state and equality: structural and ideological roots of public expenditures. University of California Press, Berkeley Google Scholar Wooldridge JM (2002) Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data. MIT Press, Cambridge Google Scholar Download references ...
Digital Platforms and Public Policies byUrsula Huws Series:FireWorks Paperback £18.99 (with free eBook) eBook £13.99 BUY The welfare state is unfit for purpose – how can we transform it into a force for equality and social justice?
This chapter discusses the success and failure of the welfare state. The welfare state is failing to achieve some of the major objectives of its creators and supporters in that (1) equality and redistribution is not being achieved or is happening too slowly, or (2) the needs of the poor ...
This is highly surprising since the welfare state is rooted in income equality, free access to education and health services, and a generous social benefit system. This paper reviews this literature, and provides an explanation of this paradox based on the most common causal mechanism studied, ...
Governmentsraisemoneytopayforwelfarethrough-Generaltaxation-NationalInsurancepayments-VAT(Value-AddedTax)TheImpactofWorldWarTwo EvacuationTheevacuationof1.5millionpeoplemademanyothersawareofthedepthandextentofpovertywhichexistedinBritain.EqualityofSacrificeBothrichandpoorsufferedduringthewarandwereforcedtor...
Increases or reductions in social security expenditure are not related to a rise or fall in the level of health and happiness either.There also appears to be no connection between the size of state welfare and equality in well‐being among citizens of the state. In countries where social ...
The Case for the Welfare State: From Social Security to Social Equality, Social Security and National Policy: Sweden, Yugoslavia, Japan, the Study of Social Policy: A Comparative Approachdoi:10.1080/00220612.1982.10778583HowardSchoolA.SchoolPalley...
The provision of welfare is often rooted in the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions of a good life.Social Security, federally mandated unemployment insurance programs, andwelfare...