Debate on God and Morality: What is the Best Account of Objective Moral Values and Duties?YNEY, FERHATEuropean Journal for Philosophy of Religion / Verein zur Forderung der Fachzeitschrift
The Need for and the Societal Legitimacy of Social Investments in Children and Their Families: Critical Reflections on the Dutch Case. In Europe, social investments on behalf of children have become an important issue in social policy. In the Dutch welfare state debate, however, the issue ......
but also to reject the communitarian nostalgia for a world that was lost to consumer avarice and a celebration of “the love of lucre.” His was a vision, projected through the prism of ancient discourses that aimed to make it
One might argue that debate over human place and purpose within the non-human world has been marginalised as a result of the post-modern tendency to privatise value and to claim that all, or at least most, values are relative in some sense. This ethical climate has made it very difficult...
reason why material well-being should be the highest of all social values, and the fact that most economists accept efficiency and wealth as their standards reveals the utilitarian bias of most modern economics, which represents a hidden value judgment within their analysis of “social welfare.” ...
While some indi- viduals may laudably wish to trade some welfare for being more moral, surely whether Altruix Light should be made available ought to depend on how it impacts the well-being of those who use it. If it will reliably make users' lives go worse while only marginally ...
This distinction provides important new insights into the ongoing debate. Indeed, some experimental evidence supports the presence of standing strategy in natural populations30 while others31 appear to be against. In laboratory experiments31, researchers compared the amount of defection received by an ...
As scientists, we are proud of our role in developing the current digital age that enables billions of people to communicate rapidly with others via social media. However, when things go wrong, we are also responsible for taking an ethical stand and tryi
. Here, we sidestep this debate. Obviously, if future evidence demonstrates that virtual child sexual material poses a threat to children, it should be a criminal offense. For present purposes, however, we will follow the most prominent claims in the literature and assume (again: for now) ...
We propose a conceptual frame to evaluate aspects and trade-offs concerning the justice and consequently sustainability of a migration process. We thereby start a debate on what sustainability can mean for diverse migration processes, also enabling a consideration of questions and implications for policy...