on a weekday; on weekdays→ entre semanaI go every weekday morning→ entre semana voy todas las mañanas Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003,...
The first day of the week in Spain is actually Monday, the first day of the week in Mexico, Puerto Rico and other Latin American or Hispanic areas is Sunday as it is in the US. For me when I moved to Europe this was confusing a bit. On one hand the Europeans and Spanish are corr...
On weekdays, I take classes at the local university. There, I met several native(本土的) Spanish speakers. They have been very kind and patient with me. At first, it was difficult for me to understand their Spanish, but now I understand most of their conversations. They say that my Span...
If something happensin the weekorduring the week, it happens on weekdays, which are the days when people usually go to work or school, rather than at the weekend. In the week, we get up at seven. I never have time to cookduring the week. ...
We suggest that differences in gender, seasonality, and weekends versus weekdays, together with the choice of lifestyle activities, should be considered when designing activity promotion strategies among Spanish adolescents.doi:10.1080/17461390802020868Peiró-Velert, Carmen...
:i have some difficulty in listening. could you give me some advice? m :you can listen to some english programs on the radio. it'll be really helpful! 15 . w :when is breakfast served here? m :at 8 o'c...
Tyr. The English word Tuesday is derived from Old English and means “Tiw's day,” a spelling variant of Tyr's day. In most languages with Latin origins, the day is named after the god and planetMars. For example, in Spanish, Tuesday is calledmartes, in Frenchmardi, andmartedìin ...
Figure 3. Weekly averaged mean waveforms for the whole week (left panel, 7 days), weekdays (central panel, 4–5 days) and weekend days (right panel, 2 days) in western Spanish (red, N = 294) and Portuguese participants (green, N = 135) for wrist skin temperature (A), motor activit...
What is the appeal of playing a “Days of the Week” shootout game in another language? For one, the names of weekdays are with us every day. They are easy to learn and useful to have. The extra bonus is that a beginner will get some nice basic pronunciation practice. ...
The association, which is composed of both social work-related professionals and former SW, works during weekdays in three shifts and places: 1) In their office, which is situated in the prostitution neighbourhood and open in the afternoons. The social workers offer administrative assistance and ...