My kids need a break. And we all need to get off screens. Cue a device-free week of puzzles, hikes, board games, and lots and lots of reading. At least, that’s my plan. (Happy to accept all ideas for how to convince my teens to go along without pitching a knock-down-drag-...
The Week Junior kids' website Product Type: Website Current Status: Member Member Level: Go to this product Product Description: The Week Junior is a weekly news magazine for kids. Each week, a 32 page magazine full of kid-friendly news from across the nation and around the world inspires...
Latest additions: Honey Lemon Soda, Anyway, I'm Falling In Love With You., Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My Charms Most divisive: Kids on the Slope Over 199.5K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 150+ Best Romance Anime Of All Time HOW RANKINGS WORKranked...
Printable days of the week worksheets for kids. Check out our collection of worksheets designed to help kids learn the days of the week and how to write them, put them in order and more. Visit for lots of printable worksheets fo
Coming soon: MORE PUZZLES! One free new puzzle each month, and for those subscribed for Early Access there will be approximately one new puzzle per week, posted in advance. 3rd Sunday Ordinary TimeDownload Kids’ Bulletins 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time,Catholic resource for kids,One Body,Saint ...
Our readers run to the mailbox.Every week, our subscribers devour 32 colorful pages full of thought-provoking articles, eye-catching photos, and big ideas—addressed to them and delivered right to their home. It’s amazing to see how kids engage and what they are inspired to express, think...
Some of you may remember that four years ago this week I debated Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Bartholet who called for a “presumptive ban” on homeschooling. The online event was hosted by the Cato Institute and drew thousands of participants, including many homeschooling families who ...
Do you do other volunteer work? I perform solo concerts at various senior centers. I also had my first chance to perform at a Ronald McDonald House. I played for the kids and their families during the holidays. My friends and I also raised $125 by playing music for the Salvation Army’...
Gadget of the Week GADGET OF THE WEEKVirtual LiteBriteBy Alma RowLiteBrite is another “blast from the past" with a virtual twist. Just like the original toy, this site provides users with 11 different colored pegs and a board with an 18 x 32 peg grid. When your LiteBrite picture is ...