Zedge 1Weather An excellent weather app for pluviophiles and casuals alike. Price:Free / Ad-free version unlock for $1.99 Developer:OneLouder Apps 1Weather is arguably thebest weather appout there, and that’s something considering just how competitive this segment is. It features a simple, pa...
Similarly, in column 2, we observe similar heterogeneity associated with baseline NL; post-road completion losses are greatest in cells that had the lowest NL at baseline (although the degree of effect heterogeneity associated with NL is more muted). We also find some heterogeneity associated with...
La Niña, on the other hand, occurs when the surface water temperature drops off the coast in the Pacific Ocean, contributing to drier than normal weather in the North and South American regions, which also influences drought episodes, with a more complex impact on weather patterns than El ...
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