Dear Weather Channel, I wish you would back off on the long form programming that has very little to do with the weather and give up on the winter storm names. PLEASE consider the geek perspective: Gandalf, Nemo, Orko, Khan and Q have completely differen
Share on Facebook difference channel [′dif·rəns ‚chan·əl] (engineering acoustics) An audio channel that handles the difference between the signals in the left and right channels of a stereophonic sound system. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright ©...
On a big south swell the Wedge can produce waves well over 20-foot faces very close to shore, with hollow grinding bowls right on the sand. During the summer all flotation devices (surfboards, bodyboards, skimboards, etc.) are banned at Wedge between 10am-5pm so the old school body...
For navigation and weather forecasting purposes, the world is divided into 21 Navareas or Metareas , the terms are interchangeable. High Seas forecasts for these areas are broadcast on one or more of Inmasat-C, HF/SSB or NAVTEX .
The Last Bookstore is housed in a historic bank building and features a massive selection of new and used books, vinyl records, a labyrinth, a horror vault, and a famous book tunnel. It has been featured in numerous articles and travel guides, and has be
The result was a compilation of two decades of interaction seducing women on the dance floor, as well as some fundamentals of regular game, from different seducers and gurus, that apply to dance floor game in a book called: “Secrets Of Dance Floor Seduction” (The skills method.) *A ...
Considering the sphere notion above, it’s best to put your Wi-Fi broadcaster (router, access point) close to the center of the area. Additionally, you would want the broadcaster and your devices on the same “plane.” It’s best to elevate it by wall mounting or placing it on a shel...
In addition, the distance to greenery was biased, depending on the position on the street. These points should be considered when using these modern methods. Introduction Urban green spaces, such as parks, street trees, shrubs, lawns, and flower beds, are essential elements of the urban ...
on the side, and suddenly uncountably many kids are laughing down the grade on sleds, some official but most improvised—storage-container lids, cardboard boxes, boogie boards used to the temporary hills that come and go against the local shores. Q and The Boy find friends immediately (...
The Tibetan Plateau (TP), which is the largest and highest plateau in the world and is known as the third pole8, has snow cover with multiple time-scale (intraseasonal to decadal) variability9 that affects both weather and climate. The variability of TP snow cover (TPSC) on the ...