The Way of Kings book Kaladin character protecting ᐧheroic ᐧhelping others concepts 93 “When we feel generally secure, that is, we are comfortable with closeness and confident about depending on loved ones, we are better at seeking support - and better at giving it.” Sue Johnson author...
Brandon Sanderson’sThe Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archives #1)introduced us to a spectacular new fantasy series, a world where “shards” bestow magical power (in the form of marvelous swords and suits of armor) and armies battle it out on The Shattered Plains. Really, the first book ha...
All of that defines pretty strongly shallan and her motivations all through way of kings and words of radiance. The scene does mimic the creation of the other alters. There was a need to be filled by an external actor (veil due to mraize and the ghostbloods, radiant due to practicing wi...