I was totally amazed at their bravery, and my daughter learned that it's okay to be the least experienced in a group. Courage, I’ve come to realize, has a ripple effect. Each time we choose courage, we inspire those around us ...
“Well now that’s done: and I’m glad it’s over.”When lovely woman stoops to folly andPaces about her room again, alone,She smoothes her hair with automatic hand,And puts a record on the gramophone. “This music crept by me upon the waters”And along the Strand, up Queen Victoria...
absurd 荒谬的,荒唐的 The idea that number 14 brings bad luck isabsurd. abuse 滥用 abuse one's authority(office) aaccelerate 加速,增速 accelerate one’s steps access 接近(或进入)的机会 have regular and immediate access to thePresident accommodate 使适应,使符合一致 accommodate oneself to changed ...
While that smile was on his face no one dared address him; all they could do was to stand ready to obey. The order came sharp and incisive20. “Dive!” There was a gleam of legs, and instantly the lagoon seemed deserted21. Marooners’ Rock stood alone in the forbidding waters as ...
The WMO says the ___34___ rise is due to two main factors. One is the upcoming arrival of El Nino (厄尔尼诺现象) – a weather system that warms surface waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The other is human-caused climate change.This WMO report does not mean that we will ...
Lush mountains and lucid waters are invaluable assets. We must follow the philosophy of harmony between humanity and nature and observance of the laws of nature and pursue a path of sustainable development, so that everyone is able to enjoy a starry sky, lush mountains and fragrant flowers. ...
Jonny Bealby and Dan Waters, Wild Frontiers Jonny has spent decades adventuring in the Middle East and Central Asia—he’s even written books about his epic journeys through Afghanistan and by horse along the Silk Road. His right hand, Dan, has traveled extensively in Jordan, Oman, Iran, Isr...
Thousands of years ago, God affirmed His promises with a rainbow—a timeless reminder that what He says, He will do. For thousands of years, Niagara Falls has flowed ceaselessly, its waters never running dry, often adorned with radiant rainbows arching through its mist. While generations come ...
and the little which I have seen of your personality has notlessened73it. Let me put it to you as man to man. No one wants to rake up your past and make youunduly74uncomfortable. It is over, and you are now in smooth waters, but if you persist in this marriage you will raise up...
Gretta Peel is an ocean ecologist at the University of Tasmania in Hobart, Australia. She studies where sea species are moving in response to climate change. She sets up a program called Redmap. It asks people to report “uncommon” sea species they’ve seen in Australian waters. “We want...