the watergate scandal 名词解释 【实用版】 1.水门事件的定义和背景 2.水门事件的主要参与者和事件经过 3.水门事件对美国政治和社会的影响 4.水门事件的启示和教训 正文 水门事件(Watergate scandal)是美国历史上最为严重的政治丑闻之一,发生于 1972 年。这一事件不仅对美国政治产生了深远的影响,而且对全球范围内...
the watergate scandal名词解释(一) The Watergate Scandal Introduction The Watergate Scandal was a major political scandal in the United States in the 1970s. It primarily involved the illegal activities and subsequent cover-up by the administration of President Richard Nixon. This scandal had far-...
The Watergate Scandal 作者: Elish, Dan 出版社: Scholastic Library Pub出版年: 2004-9页数: 48定价: $ 29.38装帧: SALISBN: 9780516242392豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介 ··· - One of the few series that covers a broad range of major events ...
The Watergate scandal was a political scandal during the___resulting from the break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the___complex in Washington,D。C. Effects of the scandal eventually led to the resignation of the President of the United States,___,on August 9,1974...
这指示的就是历史上的水门事件(The Watergate Scandal)。据调查,尼克松曾在1972年6月派人刺探民主党的竞选策略,并在民主党总部水门大厦安装窃听器。1973年在《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)两名记者的调查报道下,尼克松政府遭遇了前所未有的信任危机。1974年在白宫发现的录音带揭露了尼克松掩盖事实真相的企图。8月9...
The Watergate Scandal TheWatergateScandal 美国历史上的水门事件 TheWatergateScandal•OneoftheworstpoliticalscandalsinUShistoryhappenedin1972inthereelectioncampaignofPresidentRichardNixon.•水门事件是美国历史上最大的政治丑闻事件之一,发生于1972年,尼克松总统竞选连任期间,水门得名于华盛顿特区的水门大厦。The...
Free Essay: Watergate Political scandals are not strangers to the United States. They date back as far as 1830, with the presidential sex scandal and Thomas...
The Watergate Scandal: A Timeline Author History Staff Website Name HISTORY URL Date Accessed February 24, 2025 Publisher A&E Television Networks Last Updated August 1, 2024 Original Published Date ...
Watergate ScandalThe Watergate scandal was a political scandal during the___resulting from the break—in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the___complex in Washington, D。C。Effects of the scandal eventually led to the resignation of the President of the United States,___, on...
The Watergate Affair, the political espionage scandal, finally led to the resignation of President ___ in 1974. [A] Ford[B] Carter[C] Nixon[D] Reagon 答案 C本题考查美国历史知识。水门是位于美国首都华盛顿的一座综合大楼,数十年来也一直是美国民主党全国总部所在地。1972年6月,《华盛顿邮报》为首...