题目The painting "Water Lilies" is created by ___. A. Paul Cézanne B. Pierre-Auguste Renoir C. Claude Monet D. Auguste Rodin 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C。本题考查对画作及作者的对应。《睡莲》是克劳德·莫奈的作品。选项 A 保罗·塞尚是后印象派画家;选项 B 皮埃尔-奥古斯特·雷诺阿也是印象派...
题目The painting "Water Lilies" was painted by ___. A. Vincent van Gogh B. Pablo Picasso C. Claude Monet D. Leonardo da Vinci 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C。《Water Lilies》(《睡莲》)是克劳德·莫奈的作品。选项 A 梵高不对;选项 B 毕加索不对;选项 D 达芬奇也不对。反馈...
维米尔《绘画艺术》 The Art of Painting Jan Vermeer 1666 《绘画艺术》是维米尔绘画技艺集大成的代表,富含了许多哲理性意味的元素,耐人寻味。背对观者的画师正面对模特作画,人物的服饰和姿态,屋内的物象和摆设,所有细节精准鲜明、细致入微。维米尔正试图通过此画,传达展现他的才华、实力、技艺和品位,以及对时尚潮...
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The painting depicts God breathing life into Adam. This scene is also described in the Book of Genesis. The touching hands of God and Adam have become a symbol of humanism. It is one of the most religious paintings of all time along with Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. ...
The painting "Water Lilies" is by which artist? A. 管保设任管史状带家需属关件重例院增三出管保设任管史状带家需属关件重例院增三出Vincent van Gogh管保设任管史状带家需属关件重例院增三出管保设任管史状带家需属关件重例院增三出 B. 级日文斗现级日文斗现Pablo Picasso级日文斗现级...
题目The painting "Water Lilies" is an example of which art form? A. Impressionism B. Realism C. Cubism D. Surrealism 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。《睡莲》是莫奈的作品,属于印象派。现实主义注重真实描绘;立体主义有几何形状特点;超现实主义奇幻。
The Art of Painting Jan Vermeer 1666 《绘画艺术》是维米尔绘画技艺集大成的代表,富含了许多哲理性意味的元素,耐人寻味。背对观者的画师正面对模特作画,人物的服饰和姿态,屋内的物象和摆设,所有细节精准鲜明、细致入微。维米尔正试图通过此画,传达展现他的才华、实力、技艺和品位,以及对时尚潮流和古典内涵的掌控。
(1914–26), depicting the majestic plants in the pond’s vicinity. This lively volume by Ann Temkin, the Chief Curator of Painting and Sculpture at MoMA, recounts the history of Monet’s Water Lilies at the Museum – including the destruction of two works in a fire in 1958 – and ...
This includes the three-panel Water Lilies painting, which Monet painted at the end of his life. What is the meaning of bridge over a pond of water lilies? Claude Monet's The Japanese Bridge, which sits over a pond of water lilies, shares the tranquility of a man-made garden with its...