英文片名:The Water Horse 孤單的蘇格蘭男孩安格斯麥摩洛,與母親安(艾蜜莉華森 飾)相依為命,他每日期待的就是遠赴戰場的父親能早日回家。某天,安格斯一如往常的在海灘遊蕩,卻意外發現一顆怪異的巨蛋,並將它帶回家。這顆神秘的蛋很快的就孵化了,帶來了一隻怪異而善良的奇妙生物:蘇格蘭傳說中的「水怪」!
简介 尼斯湖怪·深水传说 奇幻/家庭/冒险 - 2007 导演:杰·拉塞尔 演员:艾米丽·沃森/亚历克斯·伊特尔 剧情:如果大人可以和狗交朋友,那么更加拥有想象力的苏格兰小朋友,为什么不能和尼斯湖水怪做朋友呢?如果大人可以和狗交朋友,那么更加拥有想象力的苏格兰小朋友,为什么不能和尼斯湖水怪做朋友呢?如果大人可以和狗交...
Based on a novel by Dick King-Smith, author of the Sheep Pig (from which Babe was adapted), the touching and often spectacular the Water Horse: Legend of the Deep ingeniously presumes to explain the truth behind "Nessie," i.e., the Loch Ness Monster. The story, told in present day ...
The Water Horse 英文原版 尼斯湖怪 深水传说 迪克·金-史密斯 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 作者:King-Smith出版社:Penguin出版时间:2022年12月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥40.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“华研外语旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。
Define Waterhorse. Waterhorse synonyms, Waterhorse pronunciation, Waterhorse translation, English dictionary definition of Waterhorse. n. 1. A pile of salted fish heaped up to drain. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merr
Define Water-horse. Water-horse synonyms, Water-horse pronunciation, Water-horse translation, English dictionary definition of Water-horse. also kel·py n. pl. kel·pies A malevolent water spirit of Scottish legend, usually having the shape of a horse an
《The Water Horse尼斯湖水怪 英文原版》作者:Bantam Doubleday Dell,出版社:2000年6月,ISBN:56.20。Nowinpaperback!Fromtheaward-winningauthorofBabe:Th
Deep Sea tells the story of Shenxiu, a girl who has felt a deep sadness ever since she was abandoned by her mother. While on a family cruise, she falls into the sea and breaks into a mysterious restaurant where she meets an inventive underwater chef and embarks on a journey between dr...
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