US Geological Survey (USGS) Northern Mariana Islands Seismograph Network used in our study. Open triangles show the locations of three large serpentine seamounts within the study area. The dashed white line is the trench axis. Thick solid white lines show the cross-section locations in Fig...
ECCC (2022). US Geological Survey. USGS water data for the nation. USGS (2021). Elvidge, C. D. et al. Global distribution and density of constructed impervious...
Elevation gradients were depicted from the Global Multiresolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010) datasets and were freely downloaded from the USGS Earth Explorer Topotools website at 250-meters spatial resolution (USGS, 2023). The ASB shapefile was delineated from the combined single shapefil...
In 2016, the USGS reorganized the Landsat archive into a tiered collection structure, ensuring that Landsat Level-1 products provide a consistent archive of known data quality to support time-series analyses and data “stacking”, while controlling continuous improvement of the archive and access to ...
The need for a unified and improved data access system for the nation's vast hydrologic data holdings has increased over the past few years as researchers strive for better understanding the human impact on the nation's water cycle. Large mission oriented data repositories such as the USGS' Nat...
A global 30 arc-second elevation dataset (GTOPO30) was downloaded from the website of the United States Geological Survey (USGS; This dataset uses the WGS 84 Geographic Coordinate system, and as with the above datasets, it was also converted into the Krasovsky...
USGS Global Visualization Viewer. Available online: (accessed on 1 March 2013). McFeeters, S.K. The use of the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) in the delineation of open water features. Int. J. Remote Sens. 1996, 17, 1425–1432. [Google Scholar] [Cros...
The effects of this CO2 fertilization on the water cycle might be small61, but its net effects on tropical forest hysteresis remains uncertain. For display of Fig. 2, the resolution of rainfall values was increased by a factor of 2, to 0.125° and smoothed using a two-dimensional Gaussian ...
USGS gage #WatercourseGageLatitudeLongitudeHUC 8Extended 5016000 Swiftcurrent Sherburne 48.8299083 −113.517211 9040001 Y 5017500 St. Mary Babb 48.83303718 −113.4206533 9040001 Y 5020500 St. Mary International Boundary 49.0114083 −113.2995472 9040001 Y 6133500 Milk Browning 48.9707833 −113.0559694 10050... Accessed on June 24, 2016 WHYMAP (2008) Groundwater resources of the world, 1:25,000,000. World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme (WHYMAP) Consortium. BGR, Hannover and UNESCO, Paris Williams P, Fong YT (...