TheWastelandofT.S.Eliot艾略特长诗荒原的主旨+背景+框架+内容的概括分析全英文.pdf,Dr. Richard Clarke LITS3001 Notes 11 1 T.S. ELIOT: THE WASTELAND This poem was written for the most part while in a sanatorium in Lausanne in Switzerland recovering from nervo
14-3-1TheWasteLandbyT.S.Eliot:ThePoetryFoundation .poetryfoundation/poem/1767352/9 MadameSosostris,famousclairvoyante, Hadabadcold,nevertheless IsknowntobethewisestwomaninEurope, Withawickedpackofcards.Here,saidshe, Isyourcard,thedrownedPhoenicianSailor, ...
T.S. ELIOT: THE WASTELAND This poem was written for the most part while in a sanatorium in Lausanne in Switzerland recovering from nervous exhaustion (not the least cause of which was his marriage to Viv). A revolutionary poem both stylistically- and thematically-speaking, Pound described it...
Through the influence of Ezra Pound he came to prominence with the publication of a poem, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, in 1915. His style was very fresh and modernist. In 1922 came the publication of Eliot’s long poem The Waste Land. Composed during a period of enormous ...
Poem Purpose of The Waste Land • To convey the soul‘s and civilization‘s sense of emptiness, confusion, and aimlessness after WWI • To provide a means of regeneration for the soul and civilization • To revitalize poetry The Meaning of The Waste Land • Convey the state of post-...
As a poet, Eliot is well-known for his erudition, which can be fully reflected in The Waste Land, his masterpiece. The Waste Land is a long poem on the theme of sterility and chaos of the contemporary world and an expression of the despair of the postwar era. It is a very erudite ...
ELIOT: THE WASTELANDThis poem was written for the most part while in a sanatorium in Lausanne in Switzerland recoveringfrom nervous exhaustion (not the least cause of which was his marriage to Viv). A revolutionary poemboth stylistically- and thematically-speaking, Pound described it as the ‘...
T.S. ELIOT: THE WASTELAND This poem was written for the most part while in a sanatorium in Lausanne in Switzerland recovering from nervous exhaustion (not the least cause of which was his marriage to Viv). A revolutionary poem both stylistically- and thematically-speaking, Pound described it...
In the end notes of ‘The Waste Land,’ Eliot talked about the influence of some texts on the poem stating, “Not only the title, but the plan and a good deal of the incidentalsymbolismof the poem were suggested by Miss Jessie L. Weston’s book on the Grail legend: ‘From Ritual to...