TheWastelandofT.S.Eliot艾略特长诗荒原的主旨+背景+框架+内容的概括分析全英文.pdf,Dr. Richard Clarke LITS3001 Notes 11 1 T.S. ELIOT: THE WASTELAND This poem was written for the most part while in a sanatorium in Lausanne in Switzerland recovering from nervo
Explore The Waste Land 1Summary 2Detailed Analysis 3Historical Background Summary It is difficult to tie one meaning to ‘The Waste Land‘. Ultimately, the poem itself is about culture: the celebration of culture, the death of culture, and the misery of being learned in a world that has la...
"Contexts" provides readers with invaluable materials on The Waste Land s sources, composition, and publication history. "Criticism" traces the poem s reception with twenty-five reviews and essays, from first reactions through the end of the twentieth century. Included are reviews published in the...
T.S. ELIOT: THE WASTELAND This poem was written for the most part while in a sanatorium in Lausanne in Switzerland recovering from nervous exhaustion (not the least cause of which was his marriage to Viv). A revolutionary poem both stylistically- and thematically-speaking, Pound described it...
ELIOT: THE WASTELANDThis poem was written for the most part while in a sanatorium in Lausanne in Switzerland recoveringfrom nervous exhaustion (not the least cause of which was his marriage to Viv). A revolutionary poemboth stylistically- and thematically-speaking, Pound described it as the ‘...
Through the influence of Ezra Pound he came to prominence with the publication of a poem, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, in 1915. His style was very fresh and modernist. In 1922 came the publication of Eliot’s long poem The Waste Land. Composed during a period of enormous ...
studiedSanskritandwasastudentofG.I.Gurdjieff. ThroughtheinfluenceofEzraPoundhecametoprominence withthepublicationofapoem,TheLoveSongofJ.AlfredPrufrock,in 1915.Hisstylewasveryfreshandmodernist. In1922camethepublicationofEliot’slongpoemTheWaste Land.Composedduringaperiodofenormouspersonaldifficultyfor Eliot—his...
S. Eliot's The Waste Land The Waste Land is an important poem. It has something important to say and it should have an important effect on the reader. But it is not easy. In Eliot's own words: "We can say that it appears likely that poets in our civilization as it exists at ...