Emily Dickinson(埃米莉・迪金森, 1830―1886)是美国超验主义作家,她的作品有The Poems of Emily Dickenson(《埃米莉・迪金森诗集》)。 Ralf Waldo Emerson(拉尔夫・沃尔多・爱默生,1803―1882)的主要作品有散文集Nature(《论自然》)、The American Scholar(《论美国学者》)等。 反馈 收藏 ...
The Waste Land and other poems的创作者 ··· T·S·艾略特 作者 作者简介 ··· 托•斯•艾略特(T.S.Eliot,1888-1965),诗人、剧作家和文学批评家,诗歌现代派运动领袖。 出生于美国密苏里州的圣路易斯。一九二二年发表的《荒原》为他赢得了国际声誉,被评论界看作是二十世纪最有影响力的一部诗...
“The Waste Land”荒原(被吐槽到无尽躺枪的一首诗) It concerns the spiritual crisis of the postwar Europe of the 1920s. Collapse of civilization and spiritual breakup, disillusion and frustration of modern world. It emphasizes death and rebirth through the quest for regeneration.战后西方文明的危机与...
TSEliot The Waste Land 艾略特《荒原》赏析 TheWasteLand T.S.Eliot Briefintroduction TheWasteLandisa434-linemodernistpoembyT.S.Eliotpublishedin1922.Ithasbeencalled"oneofthemostimportantpoemsofthe20thcentury.“Despitethepoem'sobscurity—itsshiftsbetweensatireandprophecy,itsabruptandunannouncedchangesofspeaker,...
The Waste Land---T.S. EliotTheWasteLand---T.S. Eliot TheWasteLandis a 434-linemodernistpoem byT. S. Eliotpublished in 1922. It has been called "one of the most important poems of the 20th century." Despite the poem's obscurity—its shifts betweensatireandprophecy, its abrupt and ...
荒原The Waste Land 一、死者的葬礼 二、弈棋 三、火诫 四、死在水里 五、雷霆说的话 ·空心人The Hollow Men ·圣灰礼拜三Ash Wednesday ·阿丽尔诗Ariel Poems 东方三贤的旅程 西面之歌 一颗小小的灵魂 玛丽娜 ·小诗Minor Poems 我最后一次看见的泪眼 风在四点钟跃起 五指操 一、给一只波斯猫的诗行 二...
A summary and full analysis line by line of T.S. Eliot's 'The Waste Land,' one of the most influential modern poems. Inspired by the Grail legend, it is full of religion, occult symbolism and mythology.
T.S.Eliot The Waste Land 艾略特《荒原》赏析 TheWasteLand T.S.Eliot Briefintroduction TheWasteLandisa434-linemodernistpoembyT.S.Eliotpublishedin1922.Ithasbeencalled"oneofthemostimportantpoemsofthe20thcentury.“Despitethepoem'sobscurity—itsshiftsbetweensatireandprophecy,itsabruptandunannounced...
荒原TheWasteLand 一、死者的葬礼 二、弈棋 三、火诫 四、死在水里 五、雷霆说的话 空心人TheHollowMen 圣灰礼拜三AshWednesday 阿丽尔诗ArielPoems 东方三贤的旅程 西面之歌 一颗小小的灵魂 玛丽娜 小诗MinorPoems 我最后一次看见的泪眼 风在四点钟跃起 五指操 一、给一只波斯猫的诗行 二、给一只约克郡犬的...