奎因死后,稿子几经辗转,入藏纽约公立图书馆,但艾略特并不知情。直到诗人辞世后,它才重新浮现,失而复得,经由艾略特遗孀(第二任妻子)瓦莱丽的细致整理、认读和编辑,于1971年公之于众(The Waste Land: A Facsimile and Tran of the Original Drafts)。这份共计五十四页的“打字-手写-批注”稿,形成于1921年,那是...
This dedication was originally written in ink by Eliot in the 1922 Boni & Liveright edition of the poem presented to Pound; it was subsequently included in future editions. The five parts ofThe Waste Landare titled: 1.The Burial of the Dead 2.A Game of Chess 3.The Fire Sermon 4.Death...
Today I want to share with you some quotes from the poem ‘The waste land’,written by T.S.Eliot. What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow 这是什么根在抓着,是什么树杈 Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, 从这片乱石里长出来?人子呵, You cannot say, or guess, for you...
A summary and full analysis line by line of T.S. Eliot's 'The Waste Land,' one of the most influential modern poems. Inspired by the Grail legend, it is full of religion, occult symbolism and mythology.
T.S.Eliot_The_Waste_Land_艾略特《荒原》赏析 2 TheWasteLand T.S.Eliot Briefintroduction TheWasteLandisa434-linemodernistpoembyT.S.Eliotpublishedin1922.Ithasbeencalled"oneofthemostimportantpoemsofthe20thcentury.“Despitethepoem'sobscurity—itsshiftsbetweensatireandprophecy,itsabruptandunannounced...
TheWasteLand T.S.Eliot Briefintroduction TheWasteLandisa434-linemodernistpoembyT. S.Eliotpublishedin1922.Ithasbeencalled"oneof themostimportantpoemsofthe20thcentury.“ Despitethepoem'sobscurity—itsshiftsbetween satireandprophecy,itsabruptandunannounced changesofspeaker,locationandtime,itselegiac butintimidati...
The Waste Land 荒原 I. THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering 5 Earth in forgetful snow, feeding ...
a poem (1922) byT S Eliot, which has been seen as an expression of the depressed mood and sense ofdisorderafter theFirst World War. Many of its lines refer to other works of literature and to cultural matters, and these are explained in notes at the end of the poem. The style ...
The final chapters examine radical reassessments of the poem that have taken place in recent criticism, drawing upon 'deconstructive' readings that challenge The Waste Land's assumed cultural power by looking at it in the light of Marxist, feminist, psychoanalytical and cultural materialist reading ...