Strategic Command WWII: War in the Pacificis finally out now. Watch the latest trailerHERE. The game features a vast 36,000 hex map, covering regions from India to North America at an 80km/50mi scale. The main campaign starts with the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7, 1941, leading to...
Step into the heat of World War: Fight For Freedom, where you join over 50 million warriors in an exciting fight to defend freedom. Get into the action with cut…
The next installment of the turn-based military game Strategy and Tactics: WW2 is here! A war game and grand strategy in one, ST2 is a mobile game you can pla…
Battlefront Miniatures had even more information for those wanting to dive into some 15mm Historical warfare on the tabletop in Flames Of War. 2024 is going to be pretty big and a large feature of it is going to be a move to the Pacific theatre and a clash between the Americans and the...
was a fixture at the Museum, having volunteered since 2000, initially leading tours and then guiding visitors through his personal experiences during the war years behind a table in the US Freedom Pavilion: The Boeing Center and then the Campaigns Of Courage: European and Pacific Theaters pavilion...
Shell Normalization Against Angled Armor in War Thunder In War Thunder, when a shell collides with an armor plate, a modifier will be applied to the thickness of the plate depending on the angle of impact and the type of shell. This is how War Thunder models a phenomenon known as normaliza...
[Map] Map noting final Japanese lines in China and Burma between Operation Ichigo of mid-1944 and the end of the Pacific War | World War II Database
Instead of marshalling troops from a single base, you build cities all over the map to grow your nation’s borders. When borders collide civs race through the ages and try to out-tech each other in a hidden war for influence, all while trying to deliver a knockout military blow with jav...
Luckily, the U.S.’s aircraft carriers—which would go on to prove vital to the war effort in the Pacific—were not at Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack. Because the attack was launched without any declaration of war, the Attack on Pearl Harbor was eventually tried as a war ...
In 1919, a small group of women served with the United States Navy as nurses, answering to male officers. 23 years later, in early Aug 1942, female officer Naval Reserve Lieutenant Commander Mildred McAfee was commissioned into the US Navy amidst World War II to head up the Women Accepted ...