时至今日,仍有人将此国称为“狮子山”。意大利文记作“Sierra Leone”,后用此名作国名。其后,本地一直都是欧洲奴隶的供应来源地。1787年,在废奴主义者的压力下,于现在首都弗里敦建市,以供原来准备贩卖往伦敦工作的奴隶生活。 1808年,塞拉利昂成为了英国的殖民地,直到20世纪中期的全球去殖民化运动开始为止。 独立...
in 1992 which led to a civil war that lasted until 2002 in which two million people were displaced; consists of coastal swamps rising to a plateau in the east. Official language: English. Religion: Muslim majority and animist. Currency: leone. Capital: Freetown. Pop: 5 612 685 (2013 est...
a1999年,塞拉里昂(Sierra Leone)陷入全面内战,战况惨烈无比。战乱中,一直以从事钻石换军火肮脏交易为生的Danny(莱昂纳多•迪卡比奥饰)因走私入狱,在狱中他却得知黑奴Solomon(德蒙•杭苏饰)早前在钻石矿做苦力的时候发现一块蕴藏极品粉红钻石的原矿石,于是他借故接近Solomon,想从他口中套出钻石的下落。Solomon其实...
塞拉利昂共和国(The Republic of Sierra Leone),简称塞拉利昂。位于西非大西洋岸,北部及东部被几内亚包围、东南与利比里亚接壤,中国台湾译为狮子山共和国,中国大陆和中国香港译为塞拉利昂共和国,国土面积71740平方公里,人口754.87万(2021年),全国有20多个民族,全国分为4个省和西区,首都弗里敦。曼迪人于13世纪进入该地区...
The trauma of War in Sierra Leone. Lancet. 2000;355(2):2067-8.De Jong, Kaz, Maureen Mulhern, Nathan Ford, Saskia van der Kam, and Rolf Kleber. 2000. "The Trauma of War in Sierra Leone." The Lancet 355(9220): 2067 - 2068....
While West African troops helped strengthened the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Sierra Leone, ECOWAS lost the initiative on security reform in Sierra Leone to a British-led, International Military Assistance Training Team (IMATT).Ismail Rashid...
Passage 3The Sierra Leone(塞拉利昂) civil war in 1990 was financed(资助) by the trade in illegal (非法的) stones. The beautiful but bloody stones are also known as “blood diamonds”.Although the diamonds come from Sierra Leone and Liberia(利比亚), people in the twocountries never get rich...
The history o f Sierra Leone. London: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd. .Sibthorpe, A.B.C., The History of Sierra Leone, (United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 1970)Sibthorpe, A. B. C., The History of Sierra Leone, with an introduction by Robert W. July, 1868,...
Sierra Leone, 1839 And The Capture Of Cinque (Amistad/Soundtrack Version)-John Williams无损flac下载mp3下载Sierra Leone, 1839 And The Capture Of Cinque (Amistad/Soundtrack Version)-John Williams在线试听歌词免费下载免费下载歌词 此歌曲为没有填词的纯音乐,请您欣赏...
ggle for Democracy. Sierra Leone: Diamonds and the Struggle for Democracy.Sierra Leone: Diamonds and the Struggle for Democracy.Reviews the book "Sierra Leone: Diamonds and the Struggle for Democracy," by John L. Hirsch.doi:10.2307/20050161Review...