Opening Day:29 June 2017 Synopsis:THE WALL is a deadly psychological thriller that follows two soldiers pinned down by an Iraqi sniper, with nothing but a crumbling wall between them. Their fight becomes as much a battle of will and wits as it is of lethally accurate marksmanship. Directed b...
“The Wall” builds some solid suspense. Pro wrestler and all-around amiable media personalityJohn Cenaplays the gunner Matthews, while British actorAaron Taylor-Johnson, following up from last year’s “Nocturnal Animals,” here avails himself once again of the opportunity to portray ...
The Wallreminded me of another similarly grounded war film, 2016’sMine, in which a soldier stands trapped on a mine in the middle of the desert, awaiting almost certain death to come to him.The Wallis basically the same thing, although Taylor-Johnson doesn’t have mines to contend with a...
The Wall: Directed by Doug Liman. With Aaron Taylor-Johnson, John Cena, Laith Nakli. Two American soldiers are pinned down in the Iraqi desert by a lethal sniper with only a crumbling wall between them.
This unique composition combines two of the most iconic elements of Pink Floyd: The Wall imagery, including The Scream image of the main character 'Pink' which was most notably seen on the film poster throughout the world and The Giant Judge and Hammers which was used as the original ...
Positive Reviews Mixed Reviews Negative Reviews 75 Feb 17, 2017 The Great Wall has significant problems — namely with Damon and sidekick Pedro Pascal's lack of bromantic chemistry — but chief among its rewards is its ability to marry its Eastern and Western sensibilities. ...
But there is far less plot and dialog in this 4th volume of the series, conforming with the current trend toward wall-to-wall sex shows (with minimal character set-up footage), as even New Dimensions that was a key force in producing Romantic Couples features at the beginning of this deca...
The back indicator light turns green when the battery is charging in the camera, and turns off when it’s full. The wall charger light works the same way. The W126 batteries have an orange square or circle that matches up with the orange battery latch on the camera. These little touches...
Reviews The Great WallAction 103 minutes ‧ PG-13 ‧ 2017 Simon Abrams February 17, 2017 4 min read Chinese/American co-produced action-fantasy “The Great Wall” doesn’t feel like a McDonald’s-ified version of a Chinese film. True, when square-jawed Matt Damon fights alien monsters...