My friend Loridee counts a certain type of fish via videa, it is long boring work. She asked me to load her new MP3 player with something good she could listen too and I loaded all the books from you. She has listened over 10 times to them, still loves them and won’t let me ...
After Videa, Forrest and I finished our intentions, I asked Kabira, “Would you like to share your gratitudes and intentions?”, almost as a lighthearted gesture as she has a language all of her own, sometimes indistinguishable by others even though she knows exactly what she is saying!
If that severe doom of Synesius be true, "it is a greater offence to steal dead men's labours, than their clothes," what shall become of most writers? I hold up my hand at the bar among other; and am guilty of felony in this kind, habes confitentem reum, I am content to be ...