3. Telltale’s The Walking Dead The recent revival of the story based, action-absent adventure game owes its existence to the success of the first season of Telltale’s The Walking Dead. Bringing us into an alternate story in the comic book universe of TWD allowed us to experience a stor...
Once Upon a time, a place named Telltale Games, brought us a spectacular game, "The Wolf Among Us". It is filled with excitement, sadness and most of all, MYSTERY. This is by far my favourite telltale game alongside The Walking Dead and Tales from the Borderlands. It brings out emotio...
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Games Mini-Series stars the iconic character from the comic book series haunted by her past and coping with unimaginable loss and regret. The story explores her untold journey during the time between issues #126 and #139. Through this Telltale Games mi...
Over 800 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Xbox 360 Horror Games HOW RANKINGS WORK 1 Dead Space 2008 255 votes Agree or Disagree? In the terrifying world ofDead Space, players are introduced to the chilling tale of Isaac Clarke, an engineer on a mission to ...
Telltale was formed in 2004, with the aim of creating episodic games that would be eagerly awaited by fans. The company’s brief flowering came and went with its biggest success, The Walking Dead, between 2012 and 2018. The first season was its biggest hit, telling the story of a...
"I think we'll see a bunch of developers adopting the Telltale style, but I'd like to see more games doing interesting things with interactive narrative like Stories Untold and Edith Finch." "I think things are going to continue as they have for the past 20 years," says Francisco ...
How much you enjoyBeyond: Two Soulswill probably depend on how much you expect to be able to change Jodie and Aiden's destiny. LikeHeavy Rainor perhapsTelltale Games’The Walking Dead,Beyonddoes an incredible job of making you think you have choices everywhere, while steering you towards a ...
I felt the same “rug pulled out from under you,” feeling a few times playing games like Deus Ex HR, and Telltale’s The Walking Dead. I remember in one instance Clementine did something kind of dumb and ran off or something without telling anybody, and the responses from Lee were alo...
There’s even a point where the lights start flickering (a telltale sign of Phantoms in this game) and he comes over the intercom to say something like, “Man, this station’s really falling apart right now, huh? I’m sure it’s safe” which is another hint that he’s not on the...
The games I have will likely still work as I bought them all on disk and support for streaming apps and the like was already a dead end. Of course, now there is a looming bug that might render the console useless if the CMOS battery dies, but I would have to feel the need to ...