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There’s no rest when survival is on the line. Step into AMC’s The Walking Dead and prepare for an onslaught of walkers as you assume the roles of your favorite characters from the show, and confront the horrors and humanity of this apocalyptic new worl
There’s no rest when survival is on the line. Prepare for an onslaught of walkers while playing as your favorite characters from AMC’s The Walking Dead, and confront the horrors of this apocalyptic new world. The war with the Saviors has finally come to an end, but the damage lingers ...
行尸走肉:猛攻 The Walking Dead Onslaught VR版 PC英文版下载。这是一款角色扮演类的丧尸生存游戏,在游戏中玩家们将扮演一位世界末日的幸存者,你将在充满僵尸的世界中寻找武器对抗丧尸狂潮的进攻。 《行尸走肉:猛攻》为Survios和AMC合作,电视剧中的角色比如瑞克、米琼恩、卡萝尔等角色将在游戏中出现。玩家将扮演一...
The Walking Dead Onslaught Calificación global de los jugadores 1478 calificaciones 61 % 12 % 7 % 4 % RECUPERA TU HUMANIDAD No existe el descanso cuando la supervivencia está en juego: prepárate para masacrar a los caminantes con tus personajes favoritos de la serie de AMC, The Walking...
游戏名称:行尸走肉:猛攻 英文名称:The Walking Dead Onslaught 游戏类型:动作冒险类(ACT)游戏 游戏...
The Walking Dead: Onslaught: Directed by Andrew Abedian. With Norman Reedus, Keith Ferguson, G.K. Bowes, Cathy Cavadini. Step into AMC's The Walking Dead and prepare for an onslaught of walkers as you assume the roles of your favorite characters from the
Onslaught Ultimate Combat Freedom Test the boundaries of VR combat physicality to shoot, sever, and decapitate walker hordes in ranged and close-quarter encounters. Shoot Sever Decapitate Experience the visceral Progressive Dismemberment system that realistically depicts your every attack against the undead...
来源:映维网 作者 梦秋 求生之路没有歇息之时。Survios和AMC根据“行尸走肉”宇宙开发的全新作品《The Walking Dead Onslaught》已经正式登陆Oculus Store和Steam(暂不支持国区),售价29.99美元,支持ValveIndex,Oculus Rift,HTC Vive,WMR,以及Oculus Quest(Oculus Link)。在游戏中,你将扮演一位生还者,...
《The Walking Dead: Onslaught》基于美国 AMC 电视台旗下热门同名美剧《行尸走肉》而开发,游戏剧情设定在 TV 版的第 8 季至第 9 季之间,这是 Survios 与 AMC 制作人及编剧共同创作的一段独立的故事,玩家在游戏中的目标是重建亚历山大安全区。 PS4 ...